This is my last semester in college. It's been driving me nuts and costing me a freakish amount of money and patients to keep myself going let alone a relationship with any one. My classes are just getting worse and my stress levels are through the roof and so is my blood pressure. I just looked at my bank accounts and my heart nearly stopped.
What can I do to save money and stop this stress. My FI's B-day was yesterday and it being the beginning of the month, my phone bill, rent, his b-day stuff, and grocery shopping has left me with the grand total of like 40 dollars. That is between the 11 dollars in my wallet, the 13 in my checking and the 27 in my savings. Shit has randomly gotten harder and I have no idea what to do about it.
It's getting to the point that I'm thinking of pushing off the wedding til 2015. This year has beaten me, and my bank account to a bloody pulp and it pretty much is up to me on how the wedding is paid for. My FI is really of no help. Every time we go to do anything he complains his account is taking a beating but honestly if he looked at mine he looks rich as hell.
I remember last year at this time, I had all my X-mas shopping done, saved 2G and was ready for the holidays. WTF happened and why is it that I can't seem to get ahead. I live with my FI and one of our best friends so we split the rent and the bills 3 ways. we go out every Monday and that cost me anywhere from 0 to 50 dollars EVERY Monday, and get paid on Thursday. Last week was the first time I actually bought groceries in 2 months. I don't eat at home often and when I do, I don't eat much. It's gotten to the point where I'm calling it quits and wondering if putting the wedding on hold is a better idea and getting my shit together and figuring out my cash flow blunders.
Ugh. Damn student life being stressful and shit. Anyone got pointers on budgeting?