Snarky Brides


dramamonkeydramamonkey member
250 Love Its Third Anniversary 100 Comments First Answer
edited November 2013 in Snarky Brides
I can't decide if this is cute or just toooo toooo much...

ETA: I've never watched a single season of "The Bachelor" or "Bachelorette"

Re: ....really....?

  • I had to vote that I don't get it. I'm a Bachelor/Bachelorette fan, too

  • I think the photo is cute, but I'm not a fan of the rest of the design and I'm indifferent to the wording.

    I do think it's funny that Lowe says they're having their wedding televised because that's where it all started. Let's be honest, it has more to do with ABC footing the bill than and less with your homage to how you met.  

  • I don't watch "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette," and I definitely don't get it.
  • I'm not into celebrity weddings or watch either "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette."
  • I don't get the bear heads but I think the wording is funny. That said, I'm pretty sure if I had sent something like that out, I would have received a ton of confused phone calls. 

  • I think everything is funny except the wording. It makes them sound kind of ignorant and stupid (e.g. "since we started counting time" um, yea except not...). Like they're trying way to hard to be offbeat. Not that my opinion matters, but I gotta give it an F for FAIL.

    If they actually have hologram Tupac there, I take it all back.

  • I think it is fucking stupid.  And knowing the track record of the "Bachelor" tv show, they should have just saved their money.

  • I'm a bachelor fan... it's cute, but too much.
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  • ohannabelleohannabelle member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer First Anniversary
    edited November 2013
    My immediate reactions: A : The wording is awful. I don't mind odd/quirky/funny, but I like coherent. B: Are they on their way to a Furry convention? Yikes. C: What the hell? Edit: my son just explained what "hologram tupac" was, sort of. It now makes a little more sense. I haven't felt so silly since I asked who McHammer was. Like it was an Irish name.
  • Angry FMIL made my day!
    The bachelor thing is weird.
  • If there is a hall of fame for heinous invitations, the Spider-Man with boobs is the first inductee. There simply are no words for this.
  • I think it's hilarious. 
  • edited November 2013
    @aefitz29 - this might be a really dumb question, but are those real?

    ETA: (not the boobs, the invites)

  • aefitz29 said:
    Personally I find it to be on par with Spiderman with boobs invite:



    Anyone else notice "Two thousands and one" ? oops. 
  • @southernbelle0915 I believe the first one is real. Not 100% sure on the angry FMIL one
  • I think my mom feels similar to angry FMILs. Moms would say

    Everyone is invited (i guess) to come (if they want to) to watch my daughter get married (again) to her dead bead FI that drives a Dodge and voted for Obama (if we can't convince her to break it off first and get back with her first H who we love). Food will be provided because we feel like we're obligated after paying nothing for her first wedding and $10 grand for her sisters (but not much food so eat first).

    Which is why we're not letting her do the STDates lmao!
  • LOVE the angry FMIL one!
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