I already posted this over on the nest but I feel like the nest is totally dead. What happened?
So my husband makes it very clear that he doesn't cook. It freaks him out, he thinks he will burn the house down, haha. The other week, he actually forgot to put water in his ramen noodles and my house ended up smelling awful and burnt for a few days. He works from 10 pm to 6am on Mondays and I get off at 7 and am home by 7:30. Last night was Monday night and I wanted to make sure he got to have a nice dinner before he had to leave for work, which is 9 to get there in time. (Plus I had meat defrosted that I really needed to use that night or it would have gone to waste.) I had him make meat balls ! He was relucant but I walked him through the whole process over the phone on my way home from work. He did a great job! They were meatballs with gouda and asiago cheese in them, and when I got home I made chipolte noodles to go along with them. I'm proud of him lol. I hope one day he will cook again!