

So last night I was at church "working for God" and my pastor called my family (me, FI, Mom and Dad) to his office. I found out that he will not be able to marry us because of a wonderful family event. I am not angry just a little bummed and now I don't know what to do. We were boh raised catholic, I converted to baptist in 2005 and he just this year but it was a personal thing... he knew both of us very well because of our small communit (even before we were members of his church. So do you know of any officiants? Or do you thing we should look into a catholic church? I needed to vent and I need some advice!!! Please help me ladies!!

Re: Officiant?!

  • edited December 2011
    Sorry to hear that! 

    Can he recommend someone to take his place?  I'm fairly certain that you can't get married in a Catholic church if you are both Baptists now though. 
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  • jennybean2010jennybean2010 member
    edited December 2011
    is your ceremony going to be held in a church?

    we're using rev mark from a simple vow. we love him. FI is catholic, i am not, and neither of us wanted to get married in any church, let alone a catholic church. so it was a great option for us.
  • d78d78
    edited December 2011
    I second Rev. Mark. He was really great for our wedding.
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  • Point202Point202 member
    edited December 2011
    Just adding another vote for A Simple Vow.  We are meeting with them today, actually, about our ceremony.  Rev. Mark and Jeanne are fantastic.  I spent a good half-hour on the phone with Jeanne when we set up our meeting.  They are very accomodating to whatever type of ceremony you are looking for.
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