
~ Dicer ~

I know that you are of Slovak heritage.  Have you ever visited the Slovak Folk Crafts store?

It's on Rt. 208 about a mile down from the Grove City Outlets.
Here's their website link:

It's a really nice store and there's actually items from many other countries, including Ireland, Vietnam and Africa.

My mom, daughter and I were there yesterday (we go a couple of times a year) and I thought of you.

Re: ~ Dicer ~

  • edited December 2011

    I am also Slovak, and yes!  We've been there quite a few times.  We usually take my grandfather when we go because he loves looking around and telling us stories:-)  it's a neat store, one i didn't even know was there-my mother just happened upon it one time. 

    Dicer-I was also wondering if you ever go to the Slovak Club down in McKees Rocks-we have a lot of family parties there-was just wondering if I may have seen you down there at some point!

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  • morainemommorainemom member
    edited December 2011
    Heather - isn't that wooden carved village something else?!

    My mother-in-law's family is from Poland and Russia.  My daughter loves buying the pottery dishes.  We also get a lot of ornaments there.

    My husband's paternal side is from Scotland -- both sides of my family are Irish and English.  I was really excited to see the new Irish jewelry line.

    My daughter and I love the Irish Design Center store in Pittsburgh.
  • edited December 2011
    I have never heard of that gift shop!  And I've never set foot into a Slovak club, so you wouldn't have seen me there Heather!  I really don't know much about Slovak heritage, since even my great grandparents were born in the US.  I'll have to check out that store when I'm in the area sometime!
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  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    **butting in**

    I've never heard of this store either, but I definitely want to visit! My mom's side of the family is of Slovak heritage and are still very much involved in the culture- they all speak the language to each other at family gatherings, and I don't know more than twenty or thirty words.  Thank you for the recommendation!

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • morainemommorainemom member
    edited December 2011
    It is a very HUGE store and it is very nice.  Tons of pottery and dishware.
    There's also hand blown eggs, and jewelry, books and scarves and even toys.

    If you read on their website - the people who own it did some mission work in some of the countries and have returned to the States and really worked to promote and help the people.
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