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I...I...I....just can't. There are no words

DH and I went to a friend's wedding in September (that I still haven't received a TY note for, but that's a different rant).

The groom and I are long-time friends. The bride and I are mostly just FB friends because of distance and what not.

The bride's FATHER just posted a wedding photo (and tagged her and him in it, so it showed up in my newsfeed).

The photo is of her, him, and her family -- mom, dad, two sisters, both of whom were BMs.

The caption said, "Well, I've managed to marry off the pretty one, and now the smart one, so all I have left is the picky one. But we know why she's still single."

Holy. Effing. Shitballs.

I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'

Re: I...I...I....just can't. There are no words

  • ....that is AWFUL!!!!!
  • O.M.G! That is truly despicable!
  • Honestly I don't know which of the three would offend me the most :P  Calling one "Picky" implies the other two were not and just married too quickly, although she also got the "Guess that's why she's still single" comment, being called the "Pretty" one implies you aren't as smart as your "Smart" sister, and being called the "Smart" one implies you're not as pretty as your "Pretty" sister…  This guy just effectively gave all three siblings a reason to feel hurt in one post…  Those poor girls…  
  • Woah. That's terrible. Has anyone else commented on that?
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • OMG... Excuse my language but that guy sounds like a dick.
  • No one has commented, but a ridiculous number of people (like, double-digits) have 'liked' it.


    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • That actually sounds like something my father would have said. 
  • Poor thing! Sounds like she's "the one who will need therapy"
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Poor girl! I can't believe people liked that!

  • I have a worse one...

    FI's cousin posted a photo of her and her friends on her bday, all sitting around a booth in a club.  Cousin was wearing a very short skirt and from the angle of the photo, it was clear she was not wearing underwear.  I mean, you could see e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. It was XXX-rated.  My first reaction was horror-- obviously she doesn't know, right!  I went to text her and then saw the comments:

    Friend 1: You look cute, but I can see your vag!
    Cousin: LOL! :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • DH and I went to a friend's wedding in September (that I still haven't received a TY note for, but that's a different rant).

    The groom and I are long-time friends. The bride and I are mostly just FB friends because of distance and what not.

    The bride's FATHER just posted a wedding photo (and tagged her and him in it, so it showed up in my newsfeed).

    The photo is of her, him, and her family -- mom, dad, two sisters, both of whom were BMs.

    The caption said, "Well, I've managed to marry off the pretty one, and now the smart one, so all I have left is the picky one. But we know why she's still single."

    Holy. Effing. Shitballs.
    My initial reaction was OMG that is horrible!! But, I did also think that maybe he only posted that because he knows he can get away with it (like it's a family "joke" or something). I don't think he should have put that caption on Facebook though....

    But still... ugh
  • I have a worse one...

    FI's cousin posted a photo of her and her friends on her bday, all sitting around aw booth in a club.  Cousin was wearing a very short skirt and from the angle of the photo, it was clear she was not wearing underwear.  I mean, you could see e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. It was XXX-rated.  My first reaction was horror-- obviously she doesn't know, right!  I went to text her and then saw the comments:

    Friend 1: You look cute, but I can see your vag!
    Cousin: LOL! :)
    This had me laughing so much that I had to read it to FI, who also laughed out loud. Seriously, I've got tears in my eyes over here!
  • Ohmy, that is so awful! 

  • chibiyui said:
    I enjoy this gif.  The 10th Doctor is my favorite recent Doctor.
  • Holy. shit. I would probably never fully forgive my dad for so publicly blasting me. 

    H also says I don't think things that are supposed to be funny, are funny. Like Just because you're laughing, doesn't mean it's not a dig.
  • Unless that guy wants to die never meeting his grandchildren or his is just a total asshole.... I have to believe this is a family inside joke. Especially if the people "liking" the photo are family members. Has "the picky one" liked the photo yet? Maybe I have too much faith in people...

  • That's really terrible! Poor ladies! Hope the two married ones have nice spouses!
  • That sounds like something that my dad would say jokingly because he has dad humor.

  • That sounds like something that my dad would say jokingly because he has dad humor.
    Sometimes dad humor turns into douche humor. I would be fine saying something like that privately, but it completely changes when it becomes public and in writing. 
  • chibiyui said:
    I enjoy this gif.  The 10th Doctor is my favorite recent Doctor.
    My favourite as well.
  • I'd wait unti Christmas to say, "Dad, you know I'm the picky one and since I couldn't decide on your gift, you just don't get one this year. "
  • Update: None of his daughters, neither of their husbands, and his wife haven't liked it. I can't tell, by the names, if the people who have liked it are family or not.

    It's up to 14 likes, though, which makes HOPEFUL that there is an inside joke I'm just missing.

    But then I feel like, if there were, his wife, daughters, sons-in-law, etc would have liked it.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Update: None of his daughters, neither of their husbands, and his wife haven't liked it. I can't tell, by the names, if the people who have liked it are family or not. It's up to 14 likes, though, which makes HOPEFUL that there is an inside joke I'm just missing. But then I feel like, if there were, his wife, daughters, sons-in-law, etc would have liked it.
    Or commented with a:  'You're the judgey one Dad ^_^'
  • That sounds like something that my dad would say jokingly because he has dad humor.
    This. Being a father of three daughters has to make anyone a little loopy. 
  • I can't even...that's awful! My dad has said some things to me or about me, completely not intending to hurt my feelings and ended up doing so, but it was with the best of intentions and always felt bad afterwards. But even HE would know to never say anything like that!
  • Unless that guy wants to die never meeting his grandchildren or his is just a total asshole.... I have to believe this is a family inside joke. Especially if the people "liking" the photo are family members. Has "the picky one" liked the photo yet? Maybe I have too much faith in people...
    This is what I'm thinking.  It's off color, inside family joke that none of the involved parties find offensive.  . . at least I hope this is what is going on.

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • edited December 2013

    I could see that being an inside joke.  But it's one thing to say it and a completely different thing to put it in writing, especially in a public forum like that.  I mean, in my family, we've always joked about my sister being the "pretty one" and I was the "smart one". We honestly don't mind it and we all joke about it. But, I would be mortified if anyone actually put that in writing on Facebook.

    BTW, I know I'm gorgeous and smart... just not the long-leg, blonde, model type that my sister is.  And my sister recently got accepted into law school, so she certainly isn't dumb. 


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