I've had my sweet Java for about six months. I love him, but recently he has developed some very destructive habits. He used to do find sleeping in his cat bed or on the couch in the living room all night. Around 8 a.m. when I was about to wake up anyway, he would sit outside and meow and I'd let him in the bedroom while I got ready for work.
In the last couple weeks, he's started clawing at the door and carpet outside my bedroom. At first it was just in the morning, but now he does it all through the night. I've let him sleep in my bedroom a few times, but it makes for an awful night's sleep because he is constantly crawling all over my face and climbing on my furniture. He's starting to wear a hole in the carpet and scrape the paint off my door. Gah! What are some good methods to train him not to do this? I've heard a variety of things, some of which sound downright mean and others which just seem silly.
Help me, wise pet owners!