Wedding Invitations & Paper

Save The Date Question


I'm sending save the dates out after Christmas (so they don't get lost in the christmas card mail) and I just wanted to make sure on a couple rules.

I know for invitations everyone over 18 gets one, even if they still live with their parent. Is this the same for the Save the Dates?

Also, if a couple of my cousins are in long term relationships, but not engaged or married, does the significant others name go on the save the date? I know with invitations, it would just appear on the inner envelope.


Re: Save The Date Question

  • edited December 2013
    Everyone who receives a STD must receive an invite. Not all who receive an invite must receive a STD. SO if you have any doubt as to whether or not someone will be invite, don't send a STD.You can always send more invites than STD, but not less with a death or other tragic incident. :)

    STD are not formal like invites. 

    Therefore, I think you could send one to a family if they all live at one address without breaching etiquette. 

    You can safely put the SO's name on the STD if you want to and send it to your cousin's home address. Then if they break up so don't have to invite the SO, as they were obviously a guest, and you did not send them an invite addressed only to them at their residence. You don't have to include the SO, but if it is long term, as you said, I would. I would not put SO's names on STD for people who have been dating a short period of time/ don't consider themselves to be in a relationship IMHO
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • Ditto @photokitty. No one needs four copies of your STDate on their fridge :)

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • One save the date per household but follow the etiquette rules for the invitations. 
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