Snarky Brides

Karma gave me a present just in time for Christmas!!

I've previously posted about a coworker of mine (known as CW in my "head, meet desk" posts). While knowledgable about our field, she micromanages, forgets instructions given 10 minutes ago, and regularly makes my life miserable. She also happens to be significantly older than me ( 64 to my 27). Karma has rewarded me just in time for the holidays!

CW does not like technology, and doesn't understand a great deal of it (as evidenced by some of her "helpful troubleshooting" comments in the past). She does not own a cellular phone, merely uses the office issued phone when absolutely necessary. Earlier today, we got new business cell phones. They are all touchscreen and have serious upgrades. Word from the support staff is that it took her 20 minutes to figure out how to swipe the screen and find the log in for her secured email. She ended up going to one of the support staff for a tutorial today, and may need more help in the next few weeks. It took me 30 seconds to figure out the phone. Heee!

Also got an unintentional jab at her the other week. One of the analyitical support people complimented her on her suit for a meeting we were about to have with people outside our office. Very "christmasy" colored suit, with shoulder pads and military collar. CW thanked support for the compliment, adding she'd bought the suit in 1990 (it shows). I was reading through some materials and only half paying attention, and accidentally said "I was 4 years old at that time!" CW just muttered "Shut up." Support person (only other one there) was laughing. CW then asked if her suit had aged as well as I had. I graciously managed to smile and say "it looks absolutely wonderful, yes."

Regardless, karma can rock sometimes!

Re: Karma gave me a present just in time for Christmas!!

  • I've previously posted about a coworker of mine (known as CW in my "head, meet desk" posts). While knowledgable about our field, she micromanages, forgets instructions given 10 minutes ago, and regularly makes my life miserable. She also happens to be significantly older than me ( 64 to my 27). Karma has rewarded me just in time for the holidays!

    CW does not like technology, and doesn't understand a great deal of it (as evidenced by some of her "helpful troubleshooting" comments in the past). She does not own a cellular phone, merely uses the office issued phone when absolutely necessary. Earlier today, we got new business cell phones. They are all touchscreen and have serious upgrades. Word from the support staff is that it took her 20 minutes to figure out how to swipe the screen and find the log in for her secured email. She ended up going to one of the support staff for a tutorial today, and may need more help in the next few weeks. It took me 30 seconds to figure out the phone. Heee!

    Also got an unintentional jab at her the other week. One of the analyitical support people complimented her on her suit for a meeting we were about to have with people outside our office. Very "christmasy" colored suit, with shoulder pads and military collar. CW thanked support for the compliment, adding she'd bought the suit in 1990 (it shows). I was reading through some materials and only half paying attention, and accidentally said "I was 4 years old at that time!" CW just muttered "Shut up." Support person (only other one there) was laughing. CW then asked if her suit had aged as well as I had. I graciously managed to smile and say "it looks absolutely wonderful, yes."

    Regardless, karma can rock sometimes!

    Love your comeback! One of my kids works with an old knowitall so I'll give her your line.
  • I think she had guts to ask if her suit had aged as well. I kind of have to hand that to her, because if someone had called me out on a retro outfit I'd be really embarrassed!   
    I work with some older women as well who rock the "ugly sweaters" for the holidays. Given how popular "ugly sweater parties" are, I have to think they are aware the younger generation hates their clothes and they completely don't care. 

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