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How often do

You and your SO get it on?? We are usually 2-4 times a week and he can still act like it isn't enough! He's been a total bear today and I know that's why. It's been almost about a week at this point maybe a few days more or less. But between the holidays, our son being sick and sleeping with me, our dog being sick and staying at our friends last night it's been awhile. He wanted to today while our son was sleeping and daughter was at a friends, but I feel like crap and didn't sleep hardly last night between not being comfortable and my son climbing on me all night.

I know we do it way more than the friends we have (and I know it's not a competition) but I seriously just want to smack him when he acts like this or like he never gets any.

Re: How often do

  • I could have written that exact post so...
  • Well as much as that sucks, I'm glad we're not the only ones @senecaf
  • Haha it's alright. Life gets in the way. Honestly after working all day then feeding, bathing and putting muly kids to bed I'm beat. And so is FI! He still manages to pout about it though.
  • It really does, not that our relationship isn't a priority as we make time to be together every night whether it's watching a movie, talking, having a drink etc there are some nights I'm just too tired to take care of either of us in that aspect lol especially when life gets crazy
  • It goes in waves for us. Sometimes, it's every day for a week, or multiple times a day. And then other times, we'll average once a week (or even less) just because our schedules are so busy, or we're tired/stressed, etc.

    I find that I'm actually the one who gets grumpy when it's been a while, without even realizing that that's why I'm in a bad mood. But I start to feel disconnected and antsy, and then we'll have sex and I clue in and realize that's why I wasn't in a great mood. Whoops haha

  • Haha! That's how we are too. There are definitely times we get on a roll of daily or multiples and I can get grumpy too but today it's totally been him. But I'm not feeling so great today either so it just ticked me off that he was walking around all huffy lol
    Like one more day won't kill you! You made it 6 weeks after our son was born chill out!
  • we get it on at least once a day when we're together, but on the other hand, due to work schedules, we often don't see each other
  • jdluvr06jdluvr06 member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited January 2014
    During a normal week it could be 4 or 5 times. Sometimes more and sometimes less. It just depends. We haven't much the past couple of weeks because of the holidays and some other personal stuff. He has been a little crabby but it hasn't been too bad because he has been pretty tired too.
  • On average every other day but we don't have any kids! I'm super impressed with you guys having kids and still that often hahah 



  • Get used to it, ladies.  It's been 37 years of marriage, and it's still like that.
  • I definitely stand by making your relationship and sex a priority once kids come along
  • My husband is gone for about 2 months at a time and then home for a week or so. We do it every day or every other day whenever he is home.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Since we've had a baby, it's gone down to about 4-6 times a week. Everyday before baby.
  • Every day. Granted, we don't have kids, and we've only been together a little over a year, but I know it probably won't always be this way, so even if I'm tired or have a crazy work deadline, I still make time for it. We've only not done it when one of us was out of town or sick. And even sometimes when we're sick we still do it.
  • Every day. We don't have kids and thankfully work the same hours/days.
  • Around 3 times a week, sometimes more or less of course.  I probably could have written OP: Fi gets really cranky and hyper on off-days.  He has a stronger sex drive than I do, I think.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • every day? Impressive :)

    We go in waves- typically daily on weekends but we both have busy jobs/social lives. I would say 3-4 times a week but sometimes less.
  • we don't live together so it varies greatly. I get what you mean about the holidays, since we got engaged (Dec 14) we had not had the chance and last night we found the opportunity and energy to get something done! it was very much needed!

  • WOW. You go ladies. Rock it with your sexy selves.

    My fiance would want to everyday...but we do once or twice a week. I think my dosage upage of my anti-depressants last spring really put a blow in my sex drive (but was great for my mental health).

    Wedding Black & White, Sepia
  • I don't know that mine effect my sex drive that much, but I find that even if I'm not in the mood, once we get going a little bit, then I get in the mood.
    debmonn said:
    WOW. You go ladies. Rock it with your sexy selves.

    My fiance would want to everyday...but we do once or twice a week. I think my dosage upage of my anti-depressants last spring really put a blow in my sex drive (but was great for my mental health).

  • Blergbot said:
    I don't know that mine effect my sex drive that much, but I find that even if I'm not in the mood, once we get going a little bit, then I get in the mood.
    debmonn said:
    WOW. You go ladies. Rock it with your sexy selves.

    My fiance would want to everyday...but we do once or twice a week. I think my dosage upage of my anti-depressants last spring really put a blow in my sex drive (but was great for my mental health).

    He did appreciate this little surprise I bought for last night...Happy New Year to him. LOL

    Wedding Black & White, Sepia
  • I assume it will be every day for us, least that's what I'd like and I'd be willing to bet he wouldn't complain about that arrangement. 
  • When we were living in the city, anything from once a week to four times a day. Now that we're living with his folks (and working really hard to find a place of our own again), it's more like once every two to three months. It's difficult to get "us time" here because FMIL is very needy. It's not an ideal situation and I'm really hoping that something comes up for us in the rental market soon.
    imageDaisypath Friendship tickers
  • Urbaneca, been there! We lived with my MIL for almost a year and I was pregnant/had a new born during that time. Our room was right above hers and you could hear anything (tv, talking, squeaking bed lol) so for that year we didn't get too very often and I'm not tall enough or coordinated enough to do it in the shower. Good luck, I hope you find something soon!

    To all of you everyday/multiple times a day: damn you over achievers
  • Urbaneca, been there! We lived with my MIL for almost a year and I was pregnant/had a new born during that time. Our room was right above hers and you could hear anything (tv, talking, squeaking bed lol) so for that year we didn't get too very often and I'm not tall enough or coordinated enough to do it in the shower. Good luck, I hope you find something soon! To all of you everyday/multiple times a day: damn you over achievers
    Thanks. FI is hopefully going to be viewing a couple of places next week, once the agent is back from her holiday. Everyone including the doctor is on holiday at the moment - the joys of living in small town South Africa! I'd better remind FI to remind the agent on Monday!
    imageDaisypath Friendship tickers
  • debmonn said:
    WOW. You go ladies. Rock it with your sexy selves.

    My fiance would want to everyday...but we do once or twice a week. I think my dosage upage of my anti-depressants last spring really put a blow in my sex drive (but was great for my mental health).
    I hear ya on the meds front. I take a daily med for chronic migraines that's actually meant as an anti-epileptic (but works great for tricky migraine cases like me!), and I'm fairly certain it messes with my sex drive a bit. However, it's an improvement from the antidepressant they had me on for them before.

    I find that a lot of prescription meds make your sex drive a bit wonky, or decrease it overall.

  • normally 3 times during the work week and at least 1-2 times (sometimes 3) on the weekends.
  • For FI and I it's pretty much every day. I would say between 6-10 times a week to be technical, but like PP we don't have kids, but I also feel very strongly that should we have kids FI will come first and they will be second. To me this means no kids in our bed (maybe in a bassinet beside the bed for the first month tops!) Our bed is where we get "our" time and I couldn't imagine not having sexy time every night. In fact we can't get to sleep unless we get it on haha!

  • debmonn said:

    WOW. You go ladies. Rock it with your sexy selves.

    My fiance would want to everyday...but we do once or twice a week. I think my dosage upage of my anti-depressants last spring really put a blow in my sex drive (but was great for my mental health).

    I hear ya on the meds front. I take a daily med for chronic migraines that's actually meant as an anti-epileptic (but works great for tricky migraine cases like me!), and I'm fairly certain it messes with my sex drive a bit. However, it's an improvement from the antidepressant they had me on for them before.

    I find that a lot of prescription meds make your sex drive a bit wonky, or decrease it overall.

    @pumpkinsandturkeys If you don't mind me asking, what migraine meds are you on? I also have chronic migraines and am taking epilepsy meds. You can PM me if you want.
  • well since we were living with MIL while we were house hunting, we had to be sneaky and/or quiet but still manage 4-5x week.  Now that we are moving to our own house this weekend, I suspect the numbers may rise for awhile, lol.

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