Wedding Etiquette Forum

Tiping photog for engagement pics

I'm not really sure where to ask this and I sort of scoured the forums. I know it's customary to tip photographers and any vendors for their assistance. We have engagement pictures on Saturday. The photographer volunteered two locations, both a little ways from each other. She's just starting out so her prices are pretty reasonable but again, she is just starting out and her pictures are very basic. I am not expecting a whole lot from them, TBH.

Anyway, what is the usual tip? 10%? 20%? Should we cover gas? Do photographers pay for their own parking if there is a fee?


Re: Tiping photog for engagement pics

  • Since it's engagement photos.. I would tip 10% and only tip AFTER receiving the photos especially if you love them. I wouldn't cover the cost of gas since she should include it in her price. I would pay for parking however if there is a fee unless it's in her pricing.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I tipped our engagement photographer 10% after i recieved the phtots. I wasn't that impressed and ultimately chose a different photographer for our wedding, but since he did do the work, I felt it was appropriate to tip him.
    "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"
  • If you are happy with your photos, tip her after you have received them.
     Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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