Destination Weddings Discussions

Is anyone familiar with Paradisus resorts?

Paradisus is very high on our list of possible resorts, but our Beach Bum travel agent told us they're very difficult to work with. I've found tons of TripAdvisor reviews saying how amazing they are for weddings. The TA keeps pushing Azul properties to the point that it's kind of a turnoff. Basically she writes paragraphs about how amazing they are and then when I ask about any other resort she has nothing but negative things to say. I'm feeling so conflicted.

Re: Is anyone familiar with Paradisus resorts?

  • I don't know much about Paradisus but I have found that each planner and network of planners tend to push one choice or line of hotels. Beach Bum clearly works with the Karisma hotel chain because the information my agent was pushing was Azul or El Dorado. 
  • I am using Beach Bum too and I have experienced the same problem. The push for one chain was so disturbing to me so I started reaching out to other agents just to get a second or third opinion. They too recommended the Azul properties but they also had a lot others that they recommended as well. 
  • I decided to go with Paradisus Palma Real! I am waiting impatiently for their 2015 rates. I am also working with beach bums and he did try to push Azul but I shut him down. It looks like there would be a lot of kids at Azul. No thank you. Someone I work with went to a wedding at the Paradisus and she said it was great!  No problems at all. The other travel agent I was working with tried pushing the Palace Resorts. No one will make me change my mind!

    Have you seen any of the wedding videos done by Tropic One Studio at the Paradisus? They almost make me cry. You can see some videos here: They aren't all done at the Paradisus but I think most of them are.  They are so gorgeous!
  • I think it's important to pick your own resort.. a lot of the travel agents/planners get kick backs from resorts and are therefore biased in what they recommend!

    I'm in the process of picking a resort and when I know what I want I'm going to talk to travel agents. I just want to make sure I find the right resort for me (and my guests) and not for the agent! 

    BTW I have been to Paradisus Varadero and it was excellent! Can't comment on weddings there though, I think I was like 19 when I went!
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