I think I posted here about NaNo last year, but I can't remember. Are there any Wrimos here? Any non-Wrimo writers or aspiring writers?
So, every year in November, I do NaNo. FI usually does too. Neither of us has "won" yet, and I doubt we'll do NaNo 2014 seeing as we're getting married the day before it starts. I am trying very hard to finish my book before the wedding though, hopefully in the next month or two so I can self-publish to Amazon and hopefully get a few cents more in the wedding fund. It is, rather appropriately, a wedding story. It's about a woman who feels really unfulfilled and unhappy in herself, and it all falls apart for her when her best friend gets married and she's asked to be in the BP.
Anyway, I have a friend who has always wanted to do NaNo but gets overwhelmed just thinking about it. So she came up with a 12 month writing challenge instead. The challenge is to write a short (1k to 7.5k word) story every month, with a given prompt. Which seems easy enough, except that you're supposed to pick an overall theme to tie the stories together BEFORE you know what all the prompts/themes are for the year.
Would anyone here be interested in doing something like this?