Not Engaged Yet


This is my first week back at work. Even though I vent about my students being annoying sometimes I really do love my job. I enjoy teaching and all of my co-workers are amazing to work with...except one. There is this one guy who is just an asshole and he knows it. He's unpleasant to be around and in general tries to make everyone around him feel inferior. He's also a huge drama queen and will literally storm out of a room if he isn't getting his way. What makes all of this just infuriating is that my boss always makes up excuses for him even though everyone has complained about him at least once.

I really do try to do my best not to let him get to me because it's pretty damn apparent that no matter what he does no one higher up is going to do a damn thing about it. But it's week one and I'm already getting really annoyed with him. First, he was acting all butt-hurt on Monday because my good friend/co-worker texted me when she got engaged but not him. Dude you were a complete asshole to her pretty much the whole month before the break, pretty much called her stupid, and are always a downer because you always have to say some smart-ass sarcastic remark...why the fuck would she want to text you with her awesome engagement news?!

But what's really annoying is that he keeps asking other people to help him with his job. All of the T.A.s are responsible for different jobs outside of teaching. Two are responsible for all the documents (rubrics, syllabus, assignment sheets, etc) and two (me and another girl) are responsible for making all of the exams. He is responsible for tech. The reason there is only one person responsible for tech is because it's the easiest fucking job. All you have to do is call IT to come hook up the computer to the printer or get the projector in the classroom fixed. The only thing he really has to do himself is format the CDs. It's the one thing he has to do all semester. But he feels it's too much for one person to do so he sent out an e-mail asking all the other T.A.s to hold their office hours in the classroom so they can format the CDs during that time. Yes I get that there are 200 and that's a lot but it's not hard you can watch a movie while you do it, you're just being lazy. So no, I can't hold my office hours in the classroom so I can do your job.

But of course he bitched to our boss about it so she sent out an e-mail asking anyone who can to help. I love helping out the other T.A.s and never mind taking on a little extra to make things run smoothly but I don't want to help out the guy in the office who is always a total dick to me and would never do the same for me.

Re: *Vent*

  • I have no advice, but I do have sympathy. I have a co-worker who routinely fails to do his job, and then it falls on me and the other nightside guy to do it, on top of our regular jobs, which means we're crazy busy.

    Often, his job doesn't get done, and our boss will send out an e-mail asking us to "help out if we can." I'll write back and say, "In order to help with this job, please pick which of the following parts of my job you'd like me NOT to do tonight so that I can do [co-worker's] job." That usually results in him saying, "Oh...nevermind."

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Ugh, he sounds like a peach. I'm sorry you have to deal with this guy's negativity, that sounds really frustrating to come in to at work every day.

    I have no profound words of advice except to repeat the following in the most sarcastically sweet voice ever:
  • Oh girl, I feel you. I like @HisGirlFriday's way of handling it.

    Pass the wine, please.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • I have no advice, but I do have sympathy. I have a co-worker who routinely fails to do his job, and then it falls on me and the other nightside guy to do it, on top of our regular jobs, which means we're crazy busy.

    Often, his job doesn't get done, and our boss will send out an e-mail asking us to "help out if we can." I'll write back and say, "In order to help with this job, please pick which of the following parts of my job you'd like me NOT to do tonight so that I can do [co-worker's] job." That usually results in him saying, "Oh...nevermind."
    I might just have to start doing this!

  • Is his name Mike? Cause I worked with a douchecanoe in one of my previous labs and I hated every interaction with him. My guess would be no because your douchecanoe sounds social. Also even with a 200 kid class it's ridiculous your prof gets so many TAs. I've done my fair share of TAing and have never had such an entourage :)

    But grading final exams? So so much fun. Plus we always got amazing food as bribery
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • Is his name Mike? Cause I worked with a douchecanoe in one of my previous labs and I hated every interaction with him. My guess would be no because your douchecanoe sounds social. Also even with a 200 kid class it's ridiculous your prof gets so many TAs. I've done my fair share of TAing and have never had such an entourage :) But grading final exams? So so much fun. Plus we always got amazing food as bribery
    We actually teach the lab sections of the class which is why there are so many of us. Although it really seems like we only need 4 not 5 - guess who would be my vote for letting go.

    What's really weird about the set-up is that my boss isn't the one who teaches the lecture, that's another professor. I have no idea why on earth they have set it up this way! It causes problems sometimes when the two professors disagree on how things should be done.

  • I have no advice, but I do have sympathy. I have a co-worker who routinely fails to do his job, and then it falls on me and the other nightside guy to do it, on top of our regular jobs, which means we're crazy busy.

    Often, his job doesn't get done, and our boss will send out an e-mail asking us to "help out if we can." I'll write back and say, "In order to help with this job, please pick which of the following parts of my job you'd like me NOT to do tonight so that I can do [co-worker's] job." That usually results in him saying, "Oh...nevermind."
    I might just have to start doing this!
    I find that it really helps, because I am (forcibly) reminding my boss what all *I* do every night -- that it's not like the other nightside guy and I are sitting here twiddling our thumbs. We're busy, from the moment we walk in until the moment we walk out, and the fact that our dayside counterpart doesn't do his job doesn't suddenly mean that we have tons of time to do it for him.

    Dayside guy will then send e-mails to boss-man asking, "I asked HisGirl and Night Guy to do XYZ and they didn't, so that's why it didn't get done," and boss-man says, "But they're busy, too, so you need to do it."

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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