So, a co-worker of mine got engaged over NYE. She's generally despised in our work place, and the butt of jokes, given that she is 36 and he is 19/20.
She's been flashing an engagement ring since NYE, but hasn't made an official announcement...until now.
She told the office gossip that they had to get engaged, because she had gotten pregnant. The conversation as it was relayed to the rest of us was this:
Co-worker: BF and I got engaged!
Office gossip: Congrats!
CW: His parents made him do it, because I'm pregnant.
OG: Oh....uhm....congrats?
CW: Yeah, he was talking about taking a break, so I just threw out my birth control.
OG: *jaw on floor*
This is gonna be a fun nine-ish months...
ETA: I said "engaged" in quotes because I don't think they're going to get married -- I think he's going to buck his parents' demands about this sooner rather than later.
I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'