Florida-South Florida

Please Recommend Your Photographer!

Hi Ladies

I need your photography recs. I have a limited budget of max $2K. Thank you!

Re: Please Recommend Your Photographer!

  • Give Munoz a call. They are typically more expensive, but I think they can be reasonable if you only want a disc, no touch ups and no album.  When you buy the disc, they give you the rights to make copies, so you can go to CVS and make your own album(s) and enlargements.  They do excellent work and, even without touchups, the quality is outstanding.
  • I highly recommend Ali!  Her packages begin around that price point, but she is a true professional and an absolute sweetheart!  We ended up paying extra to have her stay longer, so I forget how long her regular sessions are, but the price includes some edited photos, and copies of all of the unedited photos. You can contact her through her blog, www.alexandramurphyphotography.com.
  • I loved my photographer 
    nate veal 

    Daisypath - (PNE7)
  • Give Munoz a call. They are typically more expensive, but I think they can be reasonable if you only want a disc, no touch ups and no album.  When you buy the disc, they give you the rights to make copies, so you can go to CVS and make your own album(s) and enlargements.  They do excellent work and, even without touchups, the quality is outstanding.

    I came in to recommend Munoz until I read her budget. Their packages start at $4,000 and that's without the rights to the photos. But call them up anyway and see if there is any way they can accommodate. They're fabulous.
  • Thank you ladies.
  • Our photographer from our wedding in the Chicago area is traveling for my sister at travel cost only. You can see if she's available and if she would cut you the same deal - 
    Light Source Photo out of Kenosha or Racine, WI
    I don't know what you are looking for, but my sister's is just under 2K and includes editing, an online portfolio, and printing rights on a disk. 
    Otherwise, she also looked into Heather Funk of Miami and LXA of the Miami area also. She almost went with Funk, but decided on a further location than the original plan.
  • Check out Ville Focus! I got married yesterday and they were fabulous!! Obviously no pictures yet, but I love the photos of the work that I have seen them do, so I'm hoping mine turn out just as great!
  • AJ Shorter Photography is great!
  • I second Ville Focus! They're great to work with and so much fun :)
  • SK Studios pretty good quality and reasonable price. www.skstudiosinc.com
    Thru Jens Eyes she's very good to but i'm unsure if she still does weddings you should still contact her she just might www.thrujenseyes.com
  • abellabell member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments

    Vitalic Photos or Simply Captivating....both are awesome!


  • tirathemrstirathemrs member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Love Its First Answer
    edited April 2014
    LOVEDALEY LOVEDALEY LOVEDALEY.... She is the bestest!!! check her out on FB, IG and her website http://www.lovedaleyphoto.com/

    Lilypie - H1jI

    Daisypath - MFL5

  • Addie Eshelman Photography...She's amazing!
  • Thanks Ladies. I ended up signing a contract with Ville Focus
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