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scented candles at reception. discuss.

I'm thinking people with sinus/allergy issues might not appreciate scented candles. Does this make sense? Oooo, wait let me do this: Does this make scents? (see what I did there?)


Re: scented candles at reception. discuss.

  • Scented candles could definitely bother people with allergies but scented candles also effect how food tastes so if you're serving a meal I would definitely avoid them.
  • Definitely would stay away from them. Allergies + food does not sound good. Imagine people sneezing in their food and other people's food.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Skip the scented candles - they can make food taste really weird, seeing as smell is a large part of taste!

    Also, loving the pun. I chortled.
    imageDaisypath Friendship tickers
  • Nice pun :)

    I'd avoid scented candles if possible.  Lots of people (myself include) are bothered by scented items, and as mentioned above, it throws off the taste of the food to an extent.

  • I have pretty bad allergies, and scented candles make me miserable. Many of them trigger my sinuses to close up, my eyes get watery, I sneeze, and then wind up with a migraine. Yuck.


  • Love the pun!

    I personally love scented candles but I think at a wedding, they'd be a little much. Especially with the scent of food around and peoples' perfumes and colognes. It'd get to be overwhelming.

  • B0320 said:
    Scented candles could definitely bother people with allergies but scented candles also effect how food tastes so if you're serving a meal I would definitely avoid them.
    This is what the club manager told us for our wedding.  He emphasized finding unscented candles so that people's food didn't taste weird.  We ordered a bunch of unscented candles off amazon for cheap.
  • Skip the scented candles. I'm sensitive to most of them, and I know I'm not the only person.
  • No to scented candles.  I don't have allergy issues with them but I am typically not a huge fan of scented candles when only one is burning let alone a shit ton all in one room.  The smell would be overwhelming.

  • I must be weird. I have allergies and I don't find that scented candles bother me. In fact, I love them. 
  • I can scents (like what I did there?) some issues with smelly candles. Flowers, too- I went to a wedding once and the smell of the flowers was absolutely overwhelming.

  • sarahufl said:
    I can scents (like what I did there?) some issues with smelly candles. Flowers, too- I went to a wedding once and the smell of the flowers was absolutely overwhelming.
    I've heard that about hyacinths since the smell so strongly.

  • sarahufl said:
    I can scents (like what I did there?) some issues with smelly candles. Flowers, too- I went to a wedding once and the smell of the flowers was absolutely overwhelming.
    I've heard that about hyacinths since the smell so strongly.
    Hyacinths are ridiculously strong in smell. So are stargazer lilies and large amounts of babies breath.

  • I make and sell scented candles & would advise NOT to have them around food. As others have said, they'll affect flavor & that's the last thing you want.
  • Go with non scented. I love scented candles, but only certain ones. Some scents give me headaches and upset stomach. Lilies also bother me. Several of my family members get migraines, triggered by scent. 
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