Chit Chat

Bachelorette party

I need some ideas ladies!

I'm co-hosting my SIL's bachelorette party and one of the bridesmaids isn't 21 so we're kinda limited on ideas lol

We're having pure romance come but other than that we have no ideas... Any thoughts/suggestions??

Re: Bachelorette party

  • Visit the spa 
    Beach/pool party
    Slumber party
    Dinner at a restaurant
    Take a class (dancing, cooking, etc.)
    Ice skating
    Casino (if it is legal where you live for the younger BMs to go to one)
    Amusement park
  • Everything @doeydo said

    Nearby city day-trip


  • Only problem with some of those is the party is on a Friday night but I asked her and the other moh about different classes, bowling, and concerts. We're looking to see who will be here at the end of April. The casinos close to us are all 21+ and were doing snacks/light food at the house before the pure romance party starts but maybe we can back that up and do dinner first
  • Maybe the underage BM wouldn't mind being a DD at the end of the night? I've done that for a cousin's wedding. We had a spa day before and then I was DD later that evening. It was fun. The bar gave me a free appetizer and nonalcoholic drinks.
  • Good idea, I'll ask her what she thinks or if she'd be ok with that :)
  • At my sisters bachelorette party I bought some kits from some website (it's been a few years I can't remember exactly where I got them) to make naughty gingerbread stuff and candies and we all did that before pure romance got there. I did that because I knew my sister would love that but it ended up being a lot more fun than I thought it would be.
  • If there is a Sips and strokes art class near you. You learn to paint and bring your favorite beverage. I usualy take Dr.Pepper or white wine depending on how I feel.
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