Chit Chat


So I went on a 5 mile run earlier, and 2 and a half miles into it I somehow tripped and fell. I have never fallen while running, and it was a pretty bad fall, I kinda went sprawling on the ground. It is a bit sore and slightly purple beneath my left knee. My right knee took the brunt of the fall- it's pretty scraped up, swollen, and it hurts. I was 2 and a Half miles from home so I decided to run back, which was probably a terrible idea. I iced it for a while and now I'm just resting it. This really sucks because I'm training for the NYC half marathon and I hope this doesn't affect my running. I could really use a glass of wine :(


Re: Ouch

  • •passes you ALL THE WINE•

  • *passes you all the wine I have here too* sorry about the running injury! I haven't started my half marathon training yet but I have to start here soon. I'm worried about running in the snow and ice as well but there's no way to avoid it. Hopefully you can recover quickly!

  • Thanks guys! I def need all the wine. Gooduck with your training @ckel24!


  • Ouccchhh.  *Passes you vodka-- cold bottle so you can hold it on there*
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I'm sorry! Hope it heals up quickly!
  • Passing you an ice pack, bandaids and ibuprophren.

    I'm about to head out with FI for a 12 miler and hopefully yesterday's snow is cleared from the trail. Miami half marathon in 2 weeks. Shout out to fellow distance runners!

  • Haha awesome idea @jcbride2014- 2 uses for the vodka! Thanks ladies! Still hurts but hopefully I can get a run in tomorrow. Hope you had a good run @thisismynickname! And good luck running the half!


  • Chin up, @pinkcow12! Hope you feel better soon! FI is a big runner (trained for NYC marathon 2012, when it got cancelled, then went for NYC 2013 but had hip issues) so I see first hand how minor injuries can be a big pain.
  • Hope you feel better soon.
  • Thanks chicas! Yep the minor injuries really get to you smh. Being that I never got injured from running I did not account for this. Hopefully the knee will be better tomorrow!


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