Wedding Reception Forum

Daytime Sparklers

I've always really wanted to have a sparkler send off for my wedding. Walking through a big tunnel of sparklers to our getaway car just sounds fantastic! And the pictures are wonderful! The problem is we've decided to do our wedding at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for logistical reasons. So after the cermony, reception, etc. our exit would be about 4:30/5. In May. So it obviously won't be dark yet. Would it be too odd to sill use sparklers? I've seen pictures of them used during the daytime, and they still look pretty cool. I haven't talked to anyone who has actually seen them done in the daytime though. Any suggestions?

Re: Daytime Sparklers

  • I've always really wanted to have a sparkler send off for my wedding. Walking through a big tunnel of sparklers to our getaway car just sounds fantastic! And the pictures are wonderful! The problem is we've decided to do our wedding at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for logistical reasons. So after the cermony, reception, etc. our exit would be about 4:30/5. In May. So it obviously won't be dark yet. Would it be too odd to sill use sparklers? I've seen pictures of them used during the daytime, and they still look pretty cool. I haven't talked to anyone who has actually seen them done in the daytime though. Any suggestions?
    Does your venue even allow it?  I'll be honest, sparklers sound like a disaster waiting to happen.  I also think it would be pretty anti-climatic if done during the daytime.
  • Would enough people feel comfortable handling lit sparklers in their dress clothes?  I'm terrified of sparklers, and won't even get *near* one!
  • I've heard of sparklers done before, and they went off without a hitch. I know that some people wouldn't be comfortable handling sparklers, so I'm not intending to get enough for each person to have their own. I was thinking of ordering maybe 100, and we're expecting about 250. 
  • I love sparkler send-offs! They're so whimsical and pretty and produce some really cool photos. But honestly for that time of year and day, I think the magic of them would be lost. Why not buy a couple sparklers and test them out at a time relative to how much light will be outside (for example, if sun sets at 7 then, try them at 5:30 and see how they look)?
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