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Can't they stop F-ing reproducing?! [NWR]

I'm watching the first episode of the new season of Teen Mom 2 (don't judge) and these girls are driving me crazy. Of 4 girls, three have had a new pregnancy between the end of last season and this season. And three are "oh, well, we got married." REALLY?! Can you girls just, I don't know, stop making major life decisions on a whim? LIKE SERIOUSLY.

Re: Can't they stop F-ing reproducing?! [NWR]

  • They are teenagers who got a lot of fame and attention for getting pregnant (also money from doing the show) so it's really not that surprising that they would get pregnant again.

  • I had to make myself stop watching that show because I wanted to reach through the TV and strangle them lol
  • Haha that's funny. My fiance would read a book when I watched Teen Mom 
  • He can't even stand to be in the same room. He says they're too whiney and their voices stress him out. He'll watch SYttD with me (unhappily) though, but I imagine that once I actually buy my dress he won't ("it's research baby!").
  • @Jennycolada

    See.... want to strangle them.... lol
  • I just can't stop watching. :(

    I'm a horrible person. Lol.
  • @Jennycolada

    You're not a horrible person for not being able to stop watching. You just have a guilty pleasure for ridiculous drama haha
  • I was watching 16 and pregnant and the mom was incredibly clueless/annoying/entitled. FI tuned in for five minutes before announcing "this is depressing that poor baby is fucked" and walked away.
  • Ick. I hate that show. On the plus side though since that show premiered there has been a drop in teen pregnancies.
  • Unfortunately, that's the reason there's another season of Teen Mom 2.  Teen Mom 3 was canceled after only one season because the reviews were low and viewers said it was too boring.  Teen Mom 2, however, is full of terrible decision making and drama, so they're on their 5th season.  

  • Those shows infuriate me to the point where I can't even watch. Ugh. 
  • For the longest time I thought one of the Teen Mom 2 girls lived in Rapid City because her dad had a T-shirt on of a local bar and she went to Black Hill Beauty School.  I never bothered to look it up because the show was just a fun thing to watch and I'm not THAT obsessed with it.  I'd tease my FI about running into her when I was in town.  This past Christmas any restaurant we went to or beauty salon we passed I said "OMG maybe she works there!"  He of course rolled his eyes.  During one conversation I decided to Google it one night and she lives in Sioux Falls, SD not Rapid City.  I was so bummed.  lol
  • The only negative I have to say about the Duggars is's obvious now that she(the mom) has troubles with pregnancies now, yet they continue to do what they do. I adon't agree with that. On a side can't tell me that the parents are the only ones raising those duggar kids...they are practicaly raising eachother. on another side note...the teen moms are whiney children and need to stop getting attention for their poor behavior.
  • It's a train wreck show and I can't stop watching. They make me so damn angry. 
  • TwoDimes said:
    When I opened this thread, I assumed it was going to be about the Duggars.

    I'm not sure which is worse…
    ditto. ditto.
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • @senecaf I'd watch your show. At least it'd make me happy instead of raising my blood pressure!
  • I've seen a handle of 16 and Pregnant and like it for what it is, but wish they wouldn't give those girls celebrity status by continuing on with Teen Mom.
    16&P really shows harsh realities. I felt so awful for girls who were called "stretch-marked bitch", had drug-addicted baby-daddies that wouldn't help them, had their baby-daddies flake out so they couldn't go to the job they needed to support said kid. The strained relationships with parents, changing relationships with friends.... all good stuff to show teen motherhood isn't glamorous, it's hard.
    If I had a daughter, I'd have her watch that.

    TM, no. Those girls are ruined and in it for celebrity. Sad. 

  • The thing I can't get over is they all have almost the exact same issues as they did on their original 16 & pregnant show. Like same birth father issues, drug & getting in trouble issues, that one girl STILL doesn't have her son full time. They have not progressed what so ever. 
  • I watch 16 & Pregnant and all the Teen Mom shows, too.  What really pisses me off is when one of the teen moms is like "But I just want a family!" because the baby-daddy and her broke up or whatever.  Um, you do have a family, just not a nuclear family.
  • Can I put IUDs in all of them? Please? Pretty please??
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I always feel as though 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom should be mandatory viewing for all girls 12+ (because, sadly, they start young these days!).

  • FH and I watch the show together. He gets REALLY into it. That being said, I find it interesting when you compare the first season to the newest one. 

    On season one of TM2, Leah and Corey could barely afford the tiny trailer they were living in. Now, on the premiere episode, she had her Michael Kors purse and they were all living in a nice house. I remember on TM1 Maci had a new car like every other episode. I believe they get $60,000 PER season, and that doesn't include all the interviews, appearances, photoshoots, and other endorsements where they make even more money. A LOT more money, actually. They continue to have children because it's literally their business. If the tabloids find out they're expecting (again), that's a business opportunity for them. If they get married, they'll get a "special"episode like Leah did. Her wedding was also featured in tabloids.

    I will say, I am a sucker for this show and other reality tv drama. Although it sucks that they don't focus so much on the children and the parenting than they do on the drama.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Oh, and here's the Teen Mom drinking game, if you feel like getting alcohol poisoning. I found it pretty amusing. Surprised they didn't mention "Keiffa's" hoodie.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Oh, and here's the Teen Mom drinking game, if you feel like getting alcohol poisoning. I found it pretty amusing. Surprised they didn't mention "Keiffa's" hoodie.

    They also missed every time Leah has a new set of stripper-like fake nails (and chews on them!)

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