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Things I see at work that I don't understand...

I work in a coroprate environment for a major retailer. Some things I saw today, and actually see quite often...

- Leggings as pants (ummm business casual = real pants fo sho'). Oh and the ocassional PINK hoodie/sweatpants combo
- People taking food off of other people's desk (just freaken gross and soooo rude)
- Employees knowling ignoring traffic directions (one ways, stop signs, pedestrian crossings between buildings).

Feel free to play, "Things I see at work that I don't understand"...because I cannot be the only one...

Re: Things I see at work that I don't understand...

  • I work in a coroprate environment for a major retailer. Some things I saw today, and actually see quite often... - Leggings as pants (ummm business casual = real pants fo sho'). Oh and the ocassional PINK hoodie/sweatpants combo - People taking food off of other people's desk (just freaken gross and soooo rude) - Employees knowling ignoring traffic directions (one ways, stop signs, pedestrian crossings between buildings). Feel free to play, "Things I see at work that I don't understand"...because I cannot be the only one...
    Not gonna lie -- our office is casual casual (hooray for working in IT?) and I regularly wear Lululemon to work. Sometimes exclusively. It's a bad habit. However, as soon as I wear a dress, people go, "Oh hello, Vanna White. Where are you headed?"

    I don't understand grown-ass, married men who don't clean up after themselves in the work kitchen, because they expect a woman to do it for them. I'm talking opening a bag of shredded cheese and leaving the top of the bag on the counter, half a foot from the garbage; putting nasty dishes on the counter right above one of the TWO dishwashers; not closing the sliding fridge door after taking out milk... I regularly hear, "oh, one of the office girls will clean it up." Um, those 'office girls' are facilities coordinators, and not your mother or your bitch.

  • Pumpkin, no problem with leggings! Big problem with see through leggings with a short top at my office where people often wear suits and business attire. Wouldn't you think they feel weird!? haha
  • I don't understand how grown women can't manage to use the restroom without leaving toilet paper all over the floor. My building is pretty small, and I'd estimate about a dozen or so women are on our floor (shared bathroom). I swear, I've seen more toilet clogs in this corporate environment than I ever did working in the mall.

  • Toilet paper on the bathroom floor and used lady things. I get that its gross, and you don't want to touch it if you drop it... But seriously? So nasty!
  • I also do not understand the whole not flushing thing. It happens at least once a day in my building.

  • Ugh. I work retail, and god the dress code violations. Constant leggings as pants, logo t-shirts (I'm sorry, Calvin Klein in sparkles is not classy and you're not fooling anyone) yoga pants, tits HANGING out and skirts so short bending over is kiddy porn. And personally, I'm very against slut-shaming, and I usually don't care how short your skirt is or how much tittage you have, but dammit its work! I know you're only making 8.50 an hour, but if you can't dress appropriate for this job, how the hell are you gong to manage the next?

    I occasionally wear leggings, (crotch is always covered with shirt/dress) and I occasionally show some cleavage. ( I'm commission. Sometimes boobs help.) But damn, some of the attire I see in there.

  • When I worked retail, we were required to wear closed toe, closed back shoes. I can't even count how many girls would show up in those little mesh Chinese-style house slippers. Like, really? They didn't put that rule in place because they're meanies - they did it because they don't want anyone stubbing their toes or otherwise hurting their feet at work. Plus, it was a high end department store and house shoes are NOT classy.

  • Oh, I have so many!!

    -- People who don't rinse their coffee mugs out, who just leave them on the counter (which is why we have an ant problem in the kitchen), or who cursorily rinse them out and put them in the clean dishes rack.

    -- People (OK, women, because I never go in the men's room) who (a) don't flush or (b) can't throw feminine products away or (c) use VERY personal feminine products at work (yeast infection treatments, PG tests, etc.)

    -- People who cook smelly foods in the microwave, let it get messy, and then just leave the mess.

    -- People who can't respect other people's work spaces -- either taking stuff off desks or moving it around or whatever.

    -- People who can't respect that this is a WORK environment. I don't want a Seahawks flag hanging from the ceiling (or anything else, for that matter. Don't hang shit from the ceiling).

    -- People who can't respect that, because THEY have down time, it doesn't mean that the rest of us aren't still busy.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • JCbride2015JCbride2015 member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited January 2014
    pumpkinsandturkeys said: AshleyNicole1218 said: I work in a coroprate environment for a major retailer. Some things I saw today, and actually see quite often... - Leggings as pants (ummm business casual = real pants fo sho'). Oh and the ocassional PINK hoodie/sweatpants combo - People taking food off of other people's desk (just freaken gross and soooo rude) - Employees knowling ignoring traffic directions (one ways, stop signs, pedestrian crossings between buildings). Feel free to play, "Things I see at work that I don't understand"...because I cannot be the only one... Not gonna lie -- our office is casual casual (hooray for working in IT?) and I regularly wear Lululemon to work. Sometimes exclusively. It's a bad habit. However, as soon as I wear a dress, people go, "Oh hello, Vanna White. Where are you headed?"
    I don't understand grown-ass, married men who don't clean up after themselves in the work kitchen, because they expect a woman to do it for them. I'm talking opening a bag of shredded cheese and leaving the top of the bag on the counter, half a foot from the garbage; putting nasty dishes on the counter right above one of the TWO dishwashers; not closing the sliding fridge door after taking out milk... I regularly hear, "oh, one of the office girls will clean it up." Um, those 'office girls' are facilities coordinators, and not your mother or your bitch.

    Ugh!  This!  One of the most senior partners at our office always leaves his dirty dishes in the sink and spills the sugar when he makes coffee.  We actually do have housekeeping come around, so yes technically they are the "maid," but they shouldn't have to take his dirty coffee cups and put them into the dishwasher that is right next to the sink.  And regardless, it gets smelly during the day between housekeeping shifts, and then when I want to use the sink to actually
    use the water it is full of nasty dirty dishes.

    ETF stupid box
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    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I hate it when people leave things in the lab. Especially if it is something delicate.
  • People leave their shit in my office all the time.  For some reason, in all school I've been in, the PE Office is the dumping ground for everything.  Sometimes it's mugs cos they've been in the gym to coach and forget it.  Other times, people just assume we'll find a place for it if they don't know where it goes.  In my last office, I found old science tests from 1972.  It was 2008.  I've also found blank x-ray film and 1 with the chest cavity on it in my classrooms.  It was a nice set of ribs and lungs that you could see.  

  • I don't understand people who can't leave other people's stuff alone. If it's not on your desk do not touch it. I shouldn't have to explain this to grown ass adults.

    I don't understand consistently showing up late and acting like it's no big deal.

    I don't understand leaving the classroom a disaster. If your students make a mess than they or you need to clean it up. I don't want to come in to teach and see trash just scattered all over the floor. There's even a trash can in the classroom!

  • I'm a high school teacher. My biggest thing I can't believe I see all day long (aside from some questionable teenage fashion choices) is teenagers who stop and stand in a group in the middle of the hallway to talk. They also do it in doorways and the bottom of staircases. Move. Your. Ass. 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • I've a coworker who doesn't wash out her mug from coffee- it has a series of ever darkening rings starting at the lip and working their way down. Her idea of washing is to rinse it every other day.

    Same coworker does not wash out the coffee pot (its hers) and the thing is streaked with sludge. She then acts butt hurt if you refuse her offer of coffee. I've gotten around it by saying I went off of caffeine.

    We finally put a sign on the microwave telling everyone (aimed at the guys) to clean up after themselves if they make a food mess in the microwave. Final Line: "Your mother does not work here!"

    My coworkers can pick and choose any furniture from storage for their offices at any time, no questions asked. When I ask my boss if I can bring in my own chair, one that's better orthopedically for my back, I get a blank stare and am told she will have to make sure its ok with the higher ups. 3 days later, I'm still waiting to find out if I can bring in the damn chair.

  • Addie, I get that too with kids on our too narrow main stairwell (about 4-5' wide for 1000 kids).  I call them all fire hazards for blocking the exit.  "Hey Fire Hazards!!  You're blocking the stairs"

  • @JCBride2014 same problem at our place. We have a lovely cleaning woman who literally spends ALL DAY cleaning our two floors, every day. However, you do not need to make more work for her. And when she's off doing other things in other places she shouldn't have to keep coming back to the kitchen to clean up after you... AGAIN. Plus, it's just gross.

    @Chipmunk415 I can sadly beat the nasty coffee mug and pot. We have a guy who left a bowl that had spaghetti in it on his desk for months. Facilities finally had to go speak with him because the bits of spaghetti had actually turned black. His response? "But I brought the bowl from home -- it's not one of the office bowls." I don't care where your bowl came from. If it makes you co-workers in the neighbouring cubicles want to vomit and is at risk of attracting bugs, put it in the dishwasher or take it home!

  • @pumpkinsandturkeys- I am the only one at my end of the building on my floor with a personal fridge. (we are allowed to bring them in, as the communal fridge is half way to the other side of the building, really inconvenient for all). I've coworkers who have asked to borrow space in my fridge. The only rule I have imposed is that all home cooked food/leftovers must be out/eaten within 7 days of their placement. It only took two people losing their tupperware after I dumped stuff on morning 8 for people to remember to eat or take their stuff from home. Condiments, milk, creamer, and prepackaged foods can stay until the expiration date
  • When I was in my old department, on another floor, someone kept taking a deuce in the toilet and NOT FLUSHING. I could MAYBE understand somehow that happening once, but no, it happened on a daily basis. Then one day it was ALL over the toilet. So that's when I had enough and posted signs all over the bathroom. I might have a picture I took of the sign somewhere lol. Mind you, this is a corporate environment,WTF does that? This one chick who was really weird, hated her job, and had an odor problem [her manager had to speak to her twice about it] got fired, and the bathroom monster mysteriously disappeared. I always had my suspicions that it was her....


  • I work in direct care in a home with four mentally disabled clients. Part of our job is keeping the house super clean, so I don't have to deal with the typical rude leaving kitchen stuff out type stuff. 

    BUT a huge, very important part of our job is charting. At the beginning of every shift the person leaving and the person coming in are supposed to check to make sure that every med was given, count the controlled drugs to make sure none went missing, and then both sign a sheet to verify that they did this med check. 

    I am really anal about this. It's very important to prevent med errors, and if a house gets too many med errors it can result in everyone that works there getting a VA violation whether it's their fault or not- which would be very bad for me because I'm working on becoming a nurse. But other people don't care and leave without doing or signing the check. At every meeting we get harped on for holes on this sheet- and it's usually our BOSS doing it! 

    Oh and I am the only person that's managed to not catch a certain client jerking off. It's simple- if you need to talk to him/give meds/ whatever, you knock and wait for HIM to open the door. Other people find this too difficult apparently, even though this technique is explained to everyone when they start, because he is notorious about this. I am the ONLY person that hasn't walked in on him. It's not. that. hard. 
  • Mine is really more of a 'things I hear at work that I don't understand'...

    ...loud talkers! I type this as I'm listening to a coworker 3 offices down talk to her husband about where to park for dinner tonight (in between obnoxious hacking, but we can leave the bitching about coming to work sick for another day). I don't care where you park lady, just pipe down or shut your door. Some of us are trying (not) to work. Geeze. 
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  • 1. My coworker talks to her grown son on the phone most of the Russian...on speaker phone. Why not wait until you get home. He doesn't live in Russia, he lives in D.C. 2. Another coworker cannot talk to me without touching me (her boobs have been on my arm many a time now) I didn't realize I didn't like being touched until this job. Ugh.
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  • Oooohh thankfully it's not just me. Ugh the toilet stuff makes my skin crawl.Thanks for sharing...kinda! Haha
  • -Like HisGirl, pregnancy tests and other really personal things at work. I have a co-worker who actually went out to buy one, took it, and told basically all of her co-workers before her BF called her back to get the news. For real?

    -People who just leave leftovers in the refrigerator for a million years. (I have totally been guilty of this, full disclosure, but I have improved a LOT.) Seriously, take your Tupperware and your half-eaten shit home, it's not that hard.

    -Bosses who come in at all hours of the night and weekend. I love my boss and think she's awesome, but the best thing about working weird hours is when the manager doesn't come in so things are a little more relaxed. Now we've got to be on ALL the time.

    -When you set really high standards for celebrating things like co-workers' birthdays, pregnancies, graduations, etc. I understand wanting to recognize people, but OMG, if I'm your co-worker I'll sign a card; if I'm a friend, I'll take you out to dinner and/or buy you a gift. We don't need to organize massive extravaganzas for every single thing.

    -When people won't carry their damn pagers. I know they're obnoxious, but I get sick of answering YOUR patient's call bell every single time they need something because you're hiding in an empty room and don't know that they're ringing. I'll help you out if you're busy, but you isolating yourself from any call to action isn't fair to me.

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