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Plated Vs. Buffet

I've only attended two weddings that were buffet style. Both were disastrous as people all crowded the buffet table at the same time (the line was huge and long) and both didn't have enough food. The people at the end of the lines didn't have as many choices and basically had to deal with left over scraps. Every other wedding I've attended was a plated meal. 

My venue's buffet choice offers a ton more food than the plated option, especially for the cocktail hour. They release the tables to the buffet one at a time. It's an afternoon reception that begins at 1pm. 

What are you thoughts on buffet vs. plated meals? Do you prefer one over the other? Why?


Re: Plated Vs. Buffet

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    I prefer buffet b/c I'm a picky eater and then I can have more of what I want and none of what I don't. We had a buffet, and there were none of the issues you mentioned above. 

    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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    I prefer plated. I'm not a fan of standing in line to get food.  I always seem to be near the end and hate just sitting there waiting for table to be called.   However, I do not mind buffets.   

    If you go with the buffet route ask for extra serving lines to move the guests along faster.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
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    I prefer buffet because I am a picky eater.  With a buffet I have a wide variety of things to choose from and I can load my plate with things I like and leave the things I don't.  With plated I typically get a portion of vegetables that go untouched and I just cross my fingers that the main protein is fish because then I would just be eating the potatoes of rice that accompany it.

    Buffets can be done amazingly but you have to have the right caterer.  A crappy caterer will make situations like the one's you went through happen.  Buffets should never run out of food and the lines should never be ridiculously long.  A good caterer knows how to control all of that.

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    edited January 2014
    I've been to both and DEFINITELY prefer plated, hands down.

    I know that there are benefits to buffets, such as allowing for a wider selection of meal options. However, I really, really dislike having to stand in line for food in my heels; trying to fit everything onto one plate because a few things have taken up too much room and I didn't realize that there were more things further down the line that I really want to try; and walking back to my table with a giant plate of food, praying that I don't spill it on myself or someone else. I also find that the food tends not to be as good as with a plated meal because it sits in a chafing dish for however long and congeals, overcooks, or just gets cold.

    For our wedding, we're doing a plated meal with an option of one of three entrees to provide a bit of choice, and our cocktail hour will have a wide variety of hors d'oeuvres that are a little more adventurous and unexpected to allow for more variety.

    (Edited spelling)

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    for dinner i prefer a plated meal, but since you're doing lunch i think a buffet will be nice. i also really like buffet brunch. i just feel that for hot food with dinner i'd rather be served a plate than walking around, and it feels too casual for dinner to me. 

    one thing i really don't like is when tables are released because by the time the last table goes, the first is finished eating. it messes up the flow of eating and dancing. can they just have more lines so everyone can eat at the same time?
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    I've only been to one plated dinner wedding. The salad was delicious, but as a vegetarian I did not eat any of the main dish, chicken.

    I'm having a buffet for my wedding, and my family and I will be making the food. I plan to have multiple lines to speed it up.
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    I just like food. Give it to me and I'm happy.

    I like plated because I like seeing what other people put together as a cohesive unit. I'm kind of a food geek in that way. Plated is nice because I can just sit and food comes to me. I like buffet because I can load up on my favorites (although, I get full super easy so this usually isn't an issue with me for any type of meal style).
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    JennyColadaJennyColada member
    First Anniversary First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its
    edited January 2014
    Alternatively, you could serve meals "family style", and have a few large platters of things on each table.
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    I am definitely a buffet kind of girl because of the options. I know my venue has a system for how to have guests go through the buffet in order to prevent long lines. My venue serves a plated salad before the buffet in order to prevent the hungry factor as well. This all minimizes the normal complaints I have heard about buffet wedding receptions.

    I have enjoyed some plated weddings as well but I just generally like buffets better since I can try a little of everything.

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    Buffet all the way, as long as it's done right (with professionals serving the food, not self-serve, and food kept nice and hot/cold as appropriate). I like to pick what I eat, I like to have seconds if I'm hungry, and I've never had a plated meal that I loved at a wedding (and more than one has come cold).

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    Buffet all the way, as long as it's done right (with professionals serving the food, not self-serve, and food kept nice and hot/cold as appropriate). I like to pick what I eat, I like to have seconds if I'm hungry, and I've never had a plated meal that I loved at a wedding (and more than one has come cold).

    Totally agree with this! I like to be be able to pick what I want and how much of it I want.


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    I think they are both fine, provided that the service is good. We are having buffet because of limitations in our venue size. Plated would require so many staff members as servers that it may cause congestion.

    A good caterer should know how much food to provide and it shouldn't run out.
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    Thanks for the input, everyone! I definitely am confident that my venue would do the buffet well. I will ask about having multiple lines. From what I remember of the dining room, there should be ample space. 

    I actually really love family style but they won't do that. I've already asked. 
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    I hate, hate, HATE buffets - because around here they're NEVER done properly. At every wedding and event I've been too with a buffet, the food has been cold and tasteless. Only one had "professional" servers (and I use the word hesitantly - please don't man the carvery if you can't tell the difference between pork and beef!), and they started packing up with at least two tables not yet fed, despite the fact that there was still plenty of food.
    imageDaisypath Friendship tickers
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    I prefer plated. It grosses me out going to buffets. I have looked on so many times while kids (and even worse grown adults!) stick their fingers in things or cough and sneeze into food... Appetite ruined!

    But family style is a good compromise. No lines, people can take as much of whatever they like, and The catering staff can still replenish dishes as they are eaten.
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    I prefer buffet because... I like food. A lot. I can easily polish off two plated dinners by myself (seriously, ask FI, I eat significantly more than he does even though he's more than twice my size). We considered doing plated meals for our weding since the cost difference was only a few dollars/head, but we have so many people with different food allergies and aversions, that it was far easier to do a buffet. I mean, I've got the vegetarians who don't like vegetables, the Paleo folks (hardcore and casual), a guy with a severe dairy allergy, and an FI who doesn't like anything that's "slimy". That's just the people we know about - I'm sure there are SOs we don't know who have food issues as well. We picked 3 meat entrees, and 6 sides/salads that vary in the amount of vegetables included (one of which is a pasta dish that is hearty enough to be an entree). Everything will be clearly marked and there will be servers there to answer any questions and move the lines along (lines on both sides of each buffet station).

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    I've been to both and I actually think I prefer buffet. I like having multiple choices at once instead of having to choose one item 2 months in advance. I'm a "picker" so having 5 different things on my plate at once is much more appealing to me. H and I did an endless cocktail hour for this reason. 

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    I love the idea of a brunch buffet too! I wonder if they could do that for me. Hmm. 
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    If my venue wuold have let me do a brunch-time event, I would have been SO on board with a brunch buffet. Sadly, we only get 2pm-10pm for the ceremony and reception. However, FI and I are going to our favorite brunch buffet the next day. Because... brunch!!

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    I like both. The only time I don't like either is when the food is from one of those catering type places, and the food is yucky. Other than that, as long as here is plenty of food, I'm happy!


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    This is going to sound really odd but I absolutely hate going to weddings with a full meal. I'm really particular about food and I don't like buffets or plated dinners for different reasons (hence why we're having an appetizer reception). With buffets it grosses me out that so many people are around the food before I did. Ick. With the plated dinners I'm a really picky eater so most of the time I just kind of pick at the food and end up not eating most of it, which also bothers me because I feel it is extremely wasteful. It cracks my FI up actually because we've left several weddings where I've stop to get a burger or gone home and cooked something because I don't like the food at a wedding.
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    I've been to both, I have a few dietary restrictions and find a plated meal is much easier to communicate that info and get a meal I can actually eat.  It can work well both ways.  I feel like a plated meal helps make sure every guest gets food and avoids any changce of things being cold. I also feel buffets work great for afternoon receptions, where a plated meal works better in the evening for dinner time.  Not sure why...

    We are doing a four course plated dinner, with tableside choice of four different entrees


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    We're having a plated meal to make our luncheon a little more formal. But cocktail hour will have two passed options, and 2 dips/spreads for people to get in line for. Additionally, we went with the small chocolate fountain, people will have to line up for that one.
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    I just looked through our contract again. The buffet is limited to 130 people. That might make the decision for me! :-P (we'll probably be right in that area)
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    I prefer buffets because they typically offer more variety. Also, I feel like food from a buffet (at least the ones I've been to) is always served at the temperature it should be, as opposed to plated food which often comes out warm-ish. 

    I think when doing a buffet it's important to make sure it's not a free-for-all. Have the DJ call up tables one or two at a time to avoid overcrowding. Also, it's always nice when guests can go down both sides. 
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    I prefer buffet. I've only been to one plated reception and wasn't really impressed.  I've been to a ton of buffet style receptions and never had a bad experience.  We are doing buffet style for our reception and they guaranteed enough food for everyone and they will be dismissing tables to go up and get food rather than having a stampede of people running to the buffet. They've done thousands of weddings and a majority have been buffet style, so I'm not worried.
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    I can't decide what I want either because I like both and they both have their pros and cons. My bitch with plated is keeping the servers from stealing the plates away- I went to one wedding where I got up to go to the bathroom after taking two bites of my food and when I came back, it was gone. 

    I've seen a buffet go somewhat badly (good friend's wedding ran out of food rather quickly) but then I've also worked a wedding at the country club that had buffet and there was tons of food and all well presented and served. 

    I'm kind of leaning toward buffet (I like variety, I guess) but FI wants plated. Meh. We'll see. 
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    We did a plated meal. That was DH's one demand, and I was more than happy to oblige (since it's what I wanted too). In fact, most caterers we looked at in our area (Baltimore Metro) charge a LOT more for buffet vs. plated - but there is some savings in service charge for a buffet. 

    I will say though, if you are leaning towards buffet, I'd rather have stations than a standard buffet - it allows for a little more movement around the room, shorter lines, and a good variety of food. 
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     I feel like a plated meal helps make sure every guest gets food and avoids any changce of things being cold. 

    Definitely not a guarantee. I've never been served a plated meal at an event that was appropriately warm. Most of the time they've been downright cold.  I'm always disappointed when I'm at a plated event. I've only been disappointed by a buffet once, and the host intended it as an appetizer buffet for a 6pm Friday event. Guests assumed it was dinner and acted accordingly. Not even half the guests got anything to eat.  Entirely the hosts fault though. 
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    We're doing plated; this was one of FMIL's few requests (she hates waiting in line), and since it's a little cheaper we were more than happy to go with that.

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