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  • If we get that storm next weekend, just watch No-uh decide to make an early appearance. And I end up giving birth in a car. In the snow. LOL Please don't let it happen!
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @beanbot2002 - Don't even joke! No-uh isn't allowed to come out until I say it's ok and I definitely don't say it's ok in a car on the highway in a blizzard. (Or in a cab for that matter but we've already covered that base.)

  • I'm so glad it's finally Friday! This week dragged on forever!

    I don't have any big plans for the weekend. I'm taking a break from cleaning right now. I should've cleaned last night but I didn't and now I'm going to have to march through the ridiculous amounts of snow we got last night to throw out the trash.

    BF is driving up later today ( if it doesn't start snowing again). We were supposed to have the apartment to ourselves this weekend but because of the snow my roommate isn't going home and I'm really not happy about it. But there's not really anything I can do about it. I'm hoping that he will get a call saying he got the job he interviewed for last Friday and then we can go out and celebrate tonight. If not we'll just spend the night in, watching something on Netflix.

    Saturday we have no plans. Sunday we are going to a friend's house to watch the Super Bowl. I'm super excited, it should be a great time. Although her FI just found out that he's going to have to work on Sunday because his idiot boss scheduled a staff meeting on Sunday during the Super Bowl. Who the fuck does that?

  • @bethsmiles, fingers crossed for your BF and the job! And yeah, your friend's FI having to go to a staff meeting during the Super Bowl is messed. up. Hopefully he won't keep them very long, that's just ridiculous!
  • @CLoGreenEyes - Thanks! I'm really hoping BF gets this job! The woman who interviewed him called him in last minute so she could interview him before she had to make a decision (his interview was at 11, she had to make a decision at 2) so I'm hoping that's a good sign. She was supposed to just be running a background check and calling references this week.

  • Why is it not time for me to go home and go to sleep/nap yet?!

  • His application must have impressed her if she wanted to interview him that close to cut-off time. Good vibes!!
  • Ugh, I need weekend. I have barely slept all week due to stress. It didn't help last night when I got home to find that some asshole on the T slammed into my partner J, breaking a jar of marinara sauce and ruining a bunch of groceries. J tried to salvage as much as he could, although stuff like baking soda was clearly ruined. He had gotten me Milk Duds (judge me if you must but I think they're my favorite candy; I feel like an old lady saying that) and put them in a plastic bag because the box had gotten sauced. Well, it was pretty disappointing to find that the Milk Duds all tasted a little bit garlic-and-tomato-y. Oh well.

    Tomorrow, I'm planning on getting up before noon, like an adult, and running errands. I have to mail a package, buy lots of stamps, and mail my state tax return. TurboTax insisted that I mail my state return for reasons unknown, which makes me anxious.

    Sunday, my best friend and I are driving out to my mom's house to play with my mom's puppy, and they're both going to help me go through registry stuff. I have no clue what to register for. We'd prefer money because money, but also because a lot of our crappy stuff we're fine living with for a while longer. But I know how much I hate when couples don't have registries because I personally don't like giving cash. So I'm trying to balance registering for upgraded items while not registering for a lot of stuff. I'm also trying to register for stuff that'll last us a while and we'll actually use; that means I'm finding it hard to justify new towels, since J will destroy ALL of them by washing them every single time he uses them. Arg.

    @Dignity100 My dress is A-line and I think it looks amazing; the skirt balances out my shoulders, which are pretty broad. I might have some of the tulle removed, though; I love the shape of the dress, but I feel like I'm going to trip and die just trying to walk in it. Like @Swazzle said, if you're not sold on lots of volume, but want the A-line shape, a modified A-line is great.

    I also have two recommendations if you find yourself deciding between a couple dresses. The first is to go with comfort, if the dresses are REALLY neck and neck. I am one of those people who just cannot suck it up when I'm dressed in uncomfortable clothing; that's going to be the hardest part of finding shoes for the wedding.

    The second is, if you're really stuck, imagine what would happen if one of the dresses suddenly became unavailable. Which is the dress you'd be most upset about if it weren't available? This is honestly how we ended up picking our venue. We just couldn't decide (each of the venues owned by the event group had pros and cons; our ideal venue was a combination of both). I finally told J, "If they called and said someone else had booked venue #2 it was no longer available, I'd probably be less satisfied than if I had made the decision myself, and I'd question what could have been. If they called and said someone else had booked venue #1, I would be devastated and I'd cry." We are SO happy that we picked venue #1.

    @livleighton Where are you clubbing? I used to go clubbing all the damn time (the drinks and cab fare pretty much ate up my disposable income). These days, I don't care for it as much.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • Sooooo close to 5 pm! I cannot WAIT to log off this computer and do other catch up on cleaning and oh I dunno...relaxing! I am so happy because I made it to Hobby Lobby for a short lunch break and I found all the stuff I needed to make my ring bearer box and flower girl basket. And most of it was on sale! The only thing I forgot to buy was some sort of modge podge or spray glue or something so I could glue moss to the inside of the basket. I feel like a hot glue gun will be too gummy and heavy. I'm really just a crafting mood today. It's a good thing I went to Hobby Lobby during my lunch because otherwise I would've spent hours in there looking at all the things and buying pretty much everything.

  • bethsmilesbethsmiles member
    10000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited January 2014
    BF just called and said he can't come up until tomorrow :( Even though I know the roads are bad and it's probably better that he wait until tomorrow I'm still really disappointed. It was a long week and I really need some time with BF.

    ETA: I'm also grumpy because I can't seem to drop below 171 lbs and its making me want to just say fuck it to dieting!

  • Tonight there will be couch and Netflix.  Maybe a yoga video, if I find motivation to do more than sit on my couch.

    Tomorrow there is fabulous lunch plans at Protein Bar, and maybe some more yoga.  DH should be headed back from Austin as long as the weather cooperates.  Maybe I'll convince him to take me out for wine tomorrow night.  

    Sunday, I may motivate myself to go furniture shopping.  I'm wanting a slipper/accent chair for my living room and a new rug for my dining room.  As long as this is all done before the Super Bowl, I should be able to get H to tag along.
    photo bridalparty.jpg
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Thanks y'all! I'm starting to feel better.

    @beanbot2002 that is HILARIOUS!

    @CocoBellaF I hope you told your H to shut up because curly hair is the best kind of hair.

    @LivLeighton I'm loving your blog, having had many online dating misadventures myself. You write about them much more eloquently than I could.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

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