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Everyone is BSC lately...

Okay so the other night I posted that I saw the two different GoFundMe pages for people's weddings (one for $20,000 for a PPD of an already married couple).  And then right before that, FI and I received our invitation to his friend's wedding with registry info being the very first thing listed.

Now I just found my friend's honeymoon registry online.  I knew all along she was going to do one, hinted that it's poor taste, and decided to let her make her own decision anyway.  I know how the thing works, like they just get a check basically and not the actual things.  But part of the registry is asking for everyone to pay their all inclusive fees, and the lowest priced thing is $40.  Not saying that $40 is a lot of money by any means, but I know they don't even get the full $40 and part of the point of registering is that you offer things in a variety of price points.  Everything is like $40-$100.  They'll be getting boxed gifts and probably money from FI and I, but not on that site!  

Also I saw FI's brother is asking for even more money for their attire for his wedding.  I totally understand that he needs to pay for his own suit: fine.  But he was never asked his budget, told to buy a $250 suit, get fitted at the place of purchase (FI's hometown, 16 hours from us), paid for these ridiculous required $80 shoes he'll never wear again, and now he has to give his brother another $75 for a fucking shirt.  And of course it's all slim fit, french cuff BS that he'll never ever use again.  We're totally fine with the idea of having to pay for his suit, sure, but why did it have to be stupid expensive?  If he had been asked up front for his budget, I'm sure he wouldn't have been expecting to pay $400, especially considering all the travel (during a holiday) we have to pay for/ suffer through and missing a lot of work.

What is in the water lately to make everyone so damn crazy?  Or maybe I'm the crazy one for finding these things ridiculous?  We have almost no wine left in the house so maybe I'm just wine deprived right now...


Re: Everyone is BSC lately...

  • That's effing insane. DH's brother pitched a fit at having to buy a $90 suit for our wedding, which irked me at the time. I mean, really? $90? All we said was, 'Buy a black suit, wear a white shirt, wear black dress shoes." We bought the ties they had to wear, and we picked a black suit because we figured either everyone had one OR it was versatile enough they could re-wear it.

    $400? And they're specifying shoes? Hell to the no.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Well, you need your shots so you can stay immune from the cray-cray...image


  • Right?  Our GM's suit is $100 and that's for purchase (they aren't available for rent, but only $100 and they can keep it is pretty bitchin).  That isn't including their shirt and tie, but I'm buying the ties for them and we're trying to find a general white dress shirt that's lightweight and inexpensive and we might also just cover those as well.  I said they can wear any shoes that look nice with a tan suit and my girls can wear any nude colored shoes they want. 

  • he had to get fitted in the hometown?  Usually can't they get fitted somewhere local and send measurements in? When my husband was in his cousins wedding they rented suits form a local store in their hometown but since he was over 4 hours away they told him to just get measured at a tux place where he was living and send them the measurements.  When we got to the wedding, they had the tux for him.  I would be pissed too with the bill getting out of hand.  are there any options for them to rent or do they have to buy?  And have they asked the groom why they have to get a $75 shirt and an $80 pair of shoes?  I would tell groom it is not in my budget and if they wanted a particular shirt/shoe they need to pay for it. 

  • @erinlin25 yeah I have no idea why he had to have it done there.  We went to my parents' for Thanksgiving and he left for his parents' the next day while I went out dress shopping.  He wasted a bunch of time waiting for his brother before actually going to the place, and it took all of 3 seconds.  I told him I'd be more than happy to do his measurements (I sew and know which ones to take), but he said he had to do it there.  I mean, he wanted to visit home anyway, but not to waste his time doing that.  And his brother ordered certain shirts that he claims were "on sale" but only if they all bought them from the same site (it was something like if you ordered 5, you got $100 off or something; they signed into his account and added their size) and it was some stupid fancy shirt you won't even see.  The shoes, his bro ordered for everyone except FI because they didn't have his size, so he got the same style from a different store online.  I thought he was going to pay FI back, but instead he told all the other guys they need to give him $150 for their shirt and shoes, but FI only $75 since he bought his shoes himself.  I just could not believe it!  If you require specific shoes, you're supposed to pay for that shit!

  • @hoppersgirl25 -- I have to ask, how much of this is your FBIL, and how much of this is his FI? Because this all sounds like an overly Pinterest-happy bride who has a Special Vision of her wedding day.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • @hoppersgirl25 -- I have to ask, how much of this is your FBIL, and how much of this is his FI? Because this all sounds like an overly Pinterest-happy bride who has a Special Vision of her wedding day.
    I'm thinking it's probably his FI just because I mean, what guy actually cares about any of that?  Not to be an ass or anything, but none of his GM nor he should be in slim fit suits.  When FI and I went into the Men's Wearhouse and the guy asked what he wanted, he said, "Ummm, tan.  Pants and vests and not crazy expensive."  Simple enough.  And we happened to get the perfect vest and pants for clearance prices and they're linen, which will be great for the summer.  

  • @hoppersgirl25 -- I have to ask, how much of this is your FBIL, and how much of this is his FI? Because this all sounds like an overly Pinterest-happy bride who has a Special Vision of her wedding day.
    I'm thinking it's probably his FI just because I mean, what guy actually cares about any of that?  Not to be an ass or anything, but none of his GM nor he should be in slim fit suits.  When FI and I went into the Men's Wearhouse and the guy asked what he wanted, he said, "Ummm, tan.  Pants and vests and not crazy expensive."  Simple enough.  And we happened to get the perfect vest and pants for clearance prices and they're linen, which will be great for the summer.  
    When my DH was looking for his attire for the wedding, they kept trying to convince him into a slim fit suit/tux., my H is built very sturdy with wide shoulders and a deep chest.  Slim fit is about the worst thing you could do for his build.  Apparently slim fit is a "thing" that's popular right now for goodness knows what reason.
  • @hoppersgirl25 -- I have to ask, how much of this is your FBIL, and how much of this is his FI? Because this all sounds like an overly Pinterest-happy bride who has a Special Vision of her wedding day.
    I'm thinking it's probably his FI just because I mean, what guy actually cares about any of that?  Not to be an ass or anything, but none of his GM nor he should be in slim fit suits.  When FI and I went into the Men's Wearhouse and the guy asked what he wanted, he said, "Ummm, tan.  Pants and vests and not crazy expensive."  Simple enough.  And we happened to get the perfect vest and pants for clearance prices and they're linen, which will be great for the summer.  
    When my DH was looking for his attire for the wedding, they kept trying to convince him into a slim fit suit/tux., my H is built very sturdy with wide shoulders and a deep chest.  Slim fit is about the worst thing you could do for his build.  Apparently slim fit is a "thing" that's popular right now for goodness knows what reason.
    All of his guys also have wide shoulders and are big guys (not fat or anything, but I like the word sturdy to describe them!) except maybe one.  It just doesn't make sense.  And you're right that it's the thing right now-I have a hard time buying him dress shirts because I see slim fit everywhere. 

  • FI hates this whole slim fit trend that's going on. He's built like... well, he ain't built like a hipster, that's for sure. He can't even get his arms into any of those stupid slim fit shirts that are in stores now.

  • DH also despises the slim-fit trend. He's built like his German ancestry says he should be -- broad-shouldered and muscular. 

    His grandmother keeps buying him slim-fit shirts. They do not fit him. Like at all. 

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • DH also despises the slim-fit trend. He's built like his German ancestry says he should be -- broad-shouldered and muscular. 

    His grandmother keeps buying him slim-fit shirts. They do not fit him. Like at all. 
    I have this problem with dress shirts. What is it about professional women's button downs that they have to be cut so tight, they stretch and gap at the boobs?
  • Fi also can't stand the slim fit: shirts, pants, all of it.  But Banana Republic basically calls everything Slim Fit now, except some are slimmer than others, so that the term has lost all meaning at this point.  The only way to know is to try on EVERYTHING, and seriously, what guy wants to do that?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • Oh and Hoppersgirl, that shit is BSC.  I'm sorry!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • DH also despises the slim-fit trend. He's built like his German ancestry says he should be -- broad-shouldered and muscular. 

    His grandmother keeps buying him slim-fit shirts. They do not fit him. Like at all. 
    I have this problem with dress shirts. What is it about professional women's button downs that they have to be cut so tight, they stretch and gap at the boobs?
    A.freaking.MEN! I'm not even all that big-boobed, but I can't find anything that doesn't gape all over my boobies. What gives??

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • DH also despises the slim-fit trend. He's built like his German ancestry says he should be -- broad-shouldered and muscular. 

    His grandmother keeps buying him slim-fit shirts. They do not fit him. Like at all. 
    I have this problem with dress shirts. What is it about professional women's button downs that they have to be cut so tight, they stretch and gap at the boobs?
    A.freaking.MEN! I'm not even all that big-boobed, but I can't find anything that doesn't gape all over my boobies. What gives??
    Agreed. My boobs have been all over the map, from the itty bitty titty committee to the very well-endowed end of the spectrum, and no matter what size I am, I always have this issue.

    There is one chain of stores around here that has a hidden snap inbetween the two buttons that always gape, but their clothes have been meh lately, and I don't know why other clothing manufacturers have not caught on to doing this. It would cost them nothing and drive up sales!

  • I have this problem with dress shirts. What is it about professional women's button downs that they have to be cut so tight, they stretch and gap at the boobs?
    Ugh, this has been the bane of my existence! I have to go up at least 2 sizes to accommodate my bust. Because apparently short, skinny girls cannot have boobs AT ALL. I've gotten so sick of it that I always either just wear my shirts unbuttoned halfway with a tank underneath or throw a sweater/vest over my shirt. I'd rather wear too many layers than look like I'm wearing my mommy's clothes from buying too large.

  • I have this problem with dress shirts. What is it about professional women's button downs that they have to be cut so tight, they stretch and gap at the boobs?

    Ugh, this has been the bane of my existence! I have to go up at least 2 sizes to accommodate my bust. Because apparently short, skinny girls cannot have boobs AT ALL. I've gotten so sick of it that I always either just wear my shirts unbuttoned halfway with a tank underneath or throw a sweater/vest over my shirt. I'd rather wear too many layers than look like I'm wearing my mommy's clothes from buying too large.

    @cookiepusher-This is me. I can't ever wear my work shirts completely closed because of my boobs, and I can't go up another size or they're too big. So I resort to top buttons down with a tank. I also have cardigans to wear.


  • I really have no idea who women's button down shirts are cut for nowadays. The average bust size has been increasing, yet it looks like blouses are being cut smaller and smaller!

  • Tell me about it! It's really frustrating, because I love button down shirts for work lol


  • Also, is it just me or is petite length no longer for petite people? I'm under 5' tall, and I now have to have my petite length pants hemmed a good 6". And that's when petite length fits me at all since everything is so damn low-rise. I realized this winter that not only are Banana Republic petite pants too long for me, the rise is so short that it feels like my pants are trying to hide in my uterus.

  • lovesclimbinglovesclimbing member
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited April 2014
    I always thought petite was for girls 5'1" or so.  But no, I'm shopping online and all the dresses seem really long.  So I measure myself for petite and the skirt seems just about perfect, at my knees.  And I look at their sizing chart and they say petite is for people 5'4" and below.  I'm 5'4"!  That's average in the U.S. and you're telling me I should be wearing petite?!

    I bought a couple shirtsa few years ago and I guess I must have big biceps or something because they fit good in the body but were tight in the arms.  So I ordered a size up and then took the seams in.

    On the subject of men's clothes, I'm currently working on sewing H a work shirt.  He is slim and he doesn't seem to have overly long arms, but no shirts fit him in the arms. A shirt with long enough sleeves is huge in the belly because manufacturers expect that anyone who needs to buy a larger size automatically has a large belly.  H is pretty skinny.  I know lots of guys who have similar problems.

    Sizing is so stupid!
  • Now for my rant against "skinny jeans"- I have calf muscles. I used to run, dance ballet, and swim- a LOT. I tried to try on skinny jeans- I couldn't get the thigh portion over my calf! No thanks, no straight jacket for my leggies, boot cuts here I come!
  • My calves aren't that big, but I have really big thigh muscles for my size. It's impossible to get skinny jeans over them! Straight cut jeans are like skinny jeans for me. lol

  • I hate them too.  I have hips.  I'm a chick.  I'm a big upside down triangle in skinnys.  I hate the way they look on me.  And to be honest, people with hips like me make me wonder if they actually looked in the mirror when they put them on and if they think they look good.  But not everyone has my hip/thigh complex.  

  • Yeah I fought for so long to not wear "stretch jeans".  Now the only choices are, stretch, cowgirl, or something only my mom and moms of her age wear.  I wear stretch jeans, but only flare or boot cut, I hate having my circulation cut off.  I can't wear skinny jeans, nor do I want to. 

    The shirts that seem to work best for H are Van Heusen that we buy from Sam's Club around this time.  They aren't slim fit and we really don't care if they're somehow "last season".  For myself, I just wear vests/cardigans/button down open halfway with a tank top.  Obviously the women's button down shirts are designed by men who have no concept of what boobs (even small ones) do to clothes.
  • @hoppersgirl25 -- I have to ask, how much of this is your FBIL, and how much of this is his FI? Because this all sounds like an overly Pinterest-happy bride who has a Special Vision of her wedding day.
    I'm thinking it's probably his FI just because I mean, what guy actually cares about any of that?  Not to be an ass or anything, but none of his GM nor he should be in slim fit suits.  When FI and I went into the Men's Wearhouse and the guy asked what he wanted, he said, "Ummm, tan.  Pants and vests and not crazy expensive."  Simple enough.  And we happened to get the perfect vest and pants for clearance prices and they're linen, which will be great for the summer.  
    I actually know a number of guys that are very menswear savvy. . . both gay and straight.

    I agree with your OP that the cost and such of this suit for the wedding is ridic.

    However, a bit of a silver lining, maybe- french cuff shirts are a timeless, classic look, so your FI can get more use out of the shirt.  And you could bu hims some really cool cuff links :-)

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • Count me in on the anti slim fit trend. My DH would look like a cooked sausage in that style. I like him in more relaxed fit shirts. Plus, he's just not a dress up kind of guy. I think the last time he tucked in his shirt was Christmas!
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