To a very small extent what my cousins felt when I got pregnant at 16 and they couldn't have kids after 8 years of trying at that point. I am absolutely heartbroken for my best friend tonight. She is just 7 weeks post partum and started having complications last week. They found out today there was placenta left behind and depending on her MRI she is looking at having a hysterectomy if its attached to her uterus which at this moment the dr is 99% sure is the case. The bright side, she was able to have a healthy, beautiful baby girl. The down side she's always wanted a big family and lots of kids and she's fairly young (25). I look at my 2 little ones tonight and realize how blessed i am to have them.
It's like we plan our lives for the most part, graduate, go to college, start our careers, get married, have babies. I know this isn't everyone's same plan but you get the gist. Until one of those options are taken away and you never thought of it even being a possibility.
She's the 4th friend in just a few months that something's happening fertility wise and it's truly heartbreaking. These women would be the most incredible mothers, but for whatever reason it's not in their deck of cards, but yet so many that shouldn't have kids keep popping them out. By that statement I'm referring to those like Casey Anthony, the lady who took her child to NY to be a prostitute etc.
Sorry just needed a place to vent for a moment. But if any of you pray or like to send good thoughts/well wishes I know she would greatly appreciate them