Last night FI went to bed and Pesto lay by FI's feet, and Kapuchee lay next to me, like they usually do (our kitties). A little while later Kapuchee goes to the living room and starts crying at the top of his lungs. He does that when he wants attention, or wants to play at night. So I got up, got him a brand new straw (he loves straws), and went back to bed.
A little while later he hopped into bed again and dropped the straw by my leg, then started digging for it. Then he sprawled out on FI. Then he dropped the straw in the middle of us and started swatting at it, meaning he wanted to play fetch. This was all at 1am.
Yea, I was pretty exhausted today at work lol. I think tonight I'm gonna spend some extra time playing with them before bed to tire them out.
What silly things do your fur babies do?