Chit Chat

Fur Baby Silliness

Last night FI went to bed and Pesto lay by FI's feet, and Kapuchee lay next to me, like they usually do (our kitties). A little while later Kapuchee goes to the living room and starts crying at the top of his lungs. He does that when he wants attention, or wants to play at night. So I got up, got him a brand new straw (he loves straws), and went back to bed.

A little while later he hopped into bed again and dropped the straw by my leg, then started digging for it. Then he sprawled out on FI. Then he dropped the straw in the middle of us and started swatting at it, meaning he wanted to play fetch. This was all at 1am.

Yea, I was pretty exhausted today at work lol. I think tonight I'm gonna spend some extra time playing with them before bed to tire them out.

What silly things do your fur babies do?


Re: Fur Baby Silliness

  • Hey, your avatar is back!

    Kitties love to wake us up in the middle of the night.  Jack (the 20-pounder) often will climb on my chest or neck while I'm sleeping, and I'll wake up when he jabs his paw in my face.  Stella will run around at night meowing at the top of her lungs and playing with whatever little bits of plastic or pens/pencils on the ground she can find.  She mostly ignores her cat toys in favor of random household bits.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • My parrot likes to roll onto her back and kick things with her little feet.  She also likes to go in the pocket of my "Give up on life" sweater and just chill there.  She peeps while she does this stuff because that's her happy noise. 
  • @jcbride2014- yay, it is back! That was weird lol.

    That's too cute, I hope Jack doesn't jab his paw in your face in the middle of the night! Ugh I've gotten my kitties so many toys, and they prefer random things, like straws lol.

    @haileydancingbear- OMG, your parrot is toooo cute!!!!! She's adorable! I love that she just rolls on her back like that!


  • My cat nips my nose to wake me up in the morning when she wants food.
  • Lmao that's pretty hilarious. My cats always want food, they would be nipping away at me!


  • @pinkcow13 I know, right?  She's so fluffy and cuddly I love her to death XD  She goes up the stairs and into my room to look for me when she feels she's not getting enough attention.
  • @haileydancingbear- that's too cute! How old is she?


  • This is Maddy and she likes to sleep like a person. Head on pillow, all tucked in. She's usually little little spoon, or between me and FI. Love my little monkey.
  • @pinkcow13 she'll be 7 in may, I've had her since she was 6 months old :)  
  • @HaileyDancingbear - That pic of your baby on her back is the cutest pic I have ever seen!!
  • My cat Bob likes to wake me up by hooking a claw in my notril and pulling.  However, over the years she has gotten much more precise, and has now discovered that she can hook a claw directly into my earring hole and pull.
    Whoa.  This is sort of terrifying.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • @prettybirdy27: That sounds painful!


  • We have always lived in apartments since having Chef D, because of that we have pick up his poop.   Every morning he will go pee then poo.  But then he flat our refuses to come with you to throw the poop away.   He sits his ass down in protest. WILL.NOT.MOVE.   We will just drop the leash and run to throw it out, He just sits there the whole time.

    It's only in the morning.  The rest of the day he doesn't mind going.  

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Sweet little 11-lb Ellie-cat will occupy 75% of a queen-sized bed all on her own.
  • Sweet little 11-lb Ellie-cat will occupy 75% of a queen-sized bed all on her own.
    I tell FI we are going to need a king sized bed because our kitties take up so much space lol.


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