Getting in Shape

any ideas on how to make this healthier?

I found a recipe for a chicken, spinach and cheese lasagna that I would love to make for our V-Day dinner. Any ideas? 

Re: any ideas on how to make this healthier?

  • My friend just made a pasta-less lasagna. She used lots of veggies instead limited the cheese. Zucchini was her base.
  • Pasta and carbs really are not the devil, you still need to eat them in moderation. I'd do a whole wheat pasta if you can find it in lasagna strips, and definitely low fat/ skim mozzarella. Skip any ricotta. 



  • You can substitute cottage cheese in for ricotta as well and save there
  • dont really like cottage nor ricotta so wont be using that, it will most likely be mozzarella and muenster or another cheese like that

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