Not what you might think from the title. A bunch of retiree contractors (OK, 2 of us and the rest are going along with it) decided we would exchange Valentine's. Like the ones you bought when you were in grade school. One guy did it last year for a laugh and he and I thought it would shake things up around here a bit. See what you have to look forward to in your 50's?
I was SO excited shopping for them the other day with my girls. I am serious. That was one of my favorite things to do with them when they were little. It was quite the production! So we stopped into Wally World the other day and I remembered I needed Valentine's for work. I had a blast going through all of them and one looked at the other and said, "Look at your mother!" They had just done this shopping with their children.
I got some with Skittles and some with Starburst - they come with stickers! I got one early today from a girl going on leave for a week. It had a tattoo!
Growing up is optional - I'm not feeling it yet.