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Exchanging Valentines at work

Not what you might think from the title.  A bunch of retiree contractors (OK, 2 of us and the rest are going along with it) decided we would exchange Valentine's.  Like the ones you bought when you were in grade school.  One guy did it last year for a laugh and he and I thought it would shake things up around here a bit.  See what you have to look forward to in your 50's?

I was SO excited shopping for them the other day with my girls.  I am serious.  That was one of my favorite things to do with them when they were little.  It was quite the production!  So we stopped into Wally World the other day and I remembered I needed Valentine's for work.  I had a blast going through all of them and one looked at the other and said, "Look at your mother!"  They had just done this shopping with their children.

I got some with Skittles and some with Starburst - they come with stickers!  I got one early today from a girl going on leave for a week.  It had a tattoo!

Growing up is optional - I'm not feeling it yet.

Re: Exchanging Valentines at work

  • Dude, I was just talking to Fi about this topic. I'm 30, and a retail manager (meaning that most of my employees are 20-23). We are doing a Secret Valentine (basically Secret Santa but for Valentine's) and I am SO excited! I think I'm going to get one of those cheap boxes of valentine's cards (same like what you got in grade school) for the whole staff and then a special card and candy bar for my S.V.

    I might just buy extra sparkly stickers and give those out, because you kinda just reminded me - who doesn't love stickers?!

  • Sounds like fun kmmssg.

    I work from home.  I guess i could exchange with Chef D?

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • That sounds like so much fun!
  • Oh we do a massive valentine exchange at work. I just got the e-mail that drops phrases like "HR-appropriate" and "platonic loved ones".... Laughing my butt off.

    Someone just dropped a valentine and Hershey kisses on my desk 20 minutes ago.Woo hoo! 

  • I love the kiddie Valentines! Who could resist starburst and cute puppies?
  • I work with a grumpy, crusty old retired First Sergeant.  In all actuality he is a marshmallow but he has a rep to uphold.  I am decorating the crap out of his cubicle before he gets here tomorrow.  I hope he likes red sparkly stuff.
  • That sounds like fun! I wish we'd done it here!

    (I'm off tomorrow, or I'd do it then).

    Speaking of which, I still have to get DH a V-Day card. We're doing small gifts and cards. His gift is already here and wrapped -- and sitting on the sideboard and driving him crazy! :)

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Fi and I haven't done anything yet for V-Day, and it looks like with the weather we won't be going out for cards or flowers tomorrow.  NBD, as V-Day is FSIL's bday and we're (weather willing) going down to have dinner with her.  Our dating anniversary is Monday so we'll celebrate the shit out of it then.
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    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • Our office of 200+ people has a valentine exchange every year. Our Facilities staff organise it and sell valentines for 50 cents each, or 3 for a dollar. Tomorrow, they'll go around and deliver them, and each has a chocolate heart taped to it. All of the proceeds go into our facilities fund, which pays for fun staff events, raffles, etc.

    This year, they bought Iron Man, Superman, My Little Pony, Monster High, and retro '60s valentines -- all of which also come with tattoos or stickers :)  The Monster High ones were hilariously racy... I sent one to my work twin that says, "You bring out the beast in me!" And another to one of our facilities coordinators that says, "You're UGHHHHH-mazing!" (She picked that one out herself haha).

  • The Major on duty tomorrow is bringing in brownies, which I thought was nice. Especially for a guy! I already warned him he will need to limit me to one otherwise I won't save any for anyone who comes in on the later shift :) 

    My DH also surprised me with flowers today! I had a message from the front desk at the hotel that I had a package. I was like "WTF? No one knows where I'm staying!" As soon as I saw the box, I knew. It was extra special because I don't ever get flowers when I'm home because of the cats. 


  • I teach kindergarten, so I will be getting a bagful of cards tomorrow :) I'm also dressing up like the book character Fancy Nancy, which is always fun!
  • That sounds fun! My work crew and I do secret santa, but we never do anything for valentine's day! I'm off tomorrow, but I wish I were going in, I would have at least been inspired to get candy! Have fun tomorrow! And yes - growing up is optional :)


  • I remember when I used to work in retail, our entire department (all women) would exchange silly cards for Valentine's Day. There was a dollar store in the mall we were in, so we'd all sneak out a day or two before the holiday and pick out the goofiest cards we could find to hand out. And, of course, we all had chocolates and candies at our counters to give out to everyone.

  • Fi and our fur babies (they were also there when he proposed. Lol).
  • I just got my work valentines... I addressed my work bestie's one as "To: Twin   From: Other Twin." When I got the one from her, she had put, "To: Twinzie   From: Other Twinzie." We then applied coordinating temporary tattoos.

    I think our love affair is getting to be a little intense haha

  • Gus begrudgingly delivered valentines to work peeps this morning ;)
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  • This topic needs more pics!
  • My new boss at my new job (that I started today) brought in potted tea roses for us!!! :) 
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