Chit Chat

So much facepalming *NWR*

So, as I posted earlier, I'm sick. My sinuses are leading a rebellion against the rest of me, and they seem to be winning. I've been playing Sims 3 since just after I got off work (about 3 hours ago), because it's pretty mindless and I can't really think straight at the moment. I don't want to watch anything or read anything because I'll fall asleep and it's WAY too early to do that unless I particularly want to be up at 2am.

Anyway, so I'm minding my own business, playing my game, and my phone rings. It's sister-boss. She says she and big boss are trying to log into the business page on one of our platforms but they can't seem to find the details. So I tell her, between hacks and wheezes, that the page doesn't have its own login details, they just have to access it from their own accounts and everything should be fine, because I created them as admins when I set the page up. She says thanks and hangs up, and I carry on playing.

Not even two minutes later, she calls back and says they can both get to the page, but neither of them has any admin rights. She asks if I can log in on my side and see if the admin permissions or whatever have gone through properly. I tell her I'll have to exit my game and it may take a while because it's a pretty big game. She says no problem, she'll chat to me on Skype once I'm back online.

I save and exit my game, and restart the computer because it doesn't like doing anything after playing any games but especially not Sims 3. It takes forever. As I log back into the computer, she calls again to say that it's okay, they figured it out - they were both in their personal accounts instead of their work accounts.

I was just like, really? Seriously? Why would I give you admin rights on your personal accounts when you have work accounts?

What fun/not fun tech things have your co-workers been up to lately?
imageDaisypath Friendship tickers

Re: So much facepalming *NWR*

  • edited February 2014
    Well, I work for a well-known IT/software company, so we don't have too many at-work gaffes when it comes to technology. If we did, people would likely get fired haha.

    FI's boss is the worst, though -- he doesn't understand the concept of being CCed on an e-mail. He thinks that every e-mail that reaches his inbox is being sent directly to him and only him, and that he needs to action it personally. This leads to a lot of frustrating overlap for FI and the other people in the office, because they'll already be doing something that's been requested or have replied to an e-mail that was sent to them, and then their boss (who was CCed on the request) will be running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to micromanage them and see if the task has been finished, and frantically e-mails the person back to say said person is working on it -- often after everything has been completed.

    ETA: I just remembered that we do have the occasional issue with 'Reply All.' We often get e-mails sent out to company- or site-wide distribution lists about various things (ie: bug reporting, etc), and some of the newer engineers don't always pay attention when replying, and they reply to hundreds and hundreds of people instead of one person. And then they do it again. And again. Until someone literally says, "Please be mindful to hit 'reply' and not 'reply all' to avoid spamming the entire centre. Thank you."

  • My boss still can't quite figure out Facebook. That's a challenge.

    Last night, two of my coworkers locked themselves out of their company vehicle. I had to drive 45 minutes to give them the spare key.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • My company is owned by a larger parent company that is located elsewhere in our state. For most everything, we're like the same company - we use the same database and software, our phones are interconnected, we use the same email server though we have different domain names, etc. We have different email lists that are automatically set up by the IT department so each location can email everyone at their building without having to select each individual employee name (we have All Staff, All X-Location, All Y-Location).

    Apparently, the people at our parent company have no idea that we're in 2 different parts of the state because we keep getting All Staff emails about what dessert/treat someone has brought for sharing in the lunch room. Or they send an All Staff email to tell everyone when they're having some sort of facilities problem (the light fixture is broken in the 3rd floor men's room!). Or that a birthday party is in progress for someone in the downstairs conference room. Every single day.

    We can't figure out why they do this. The companies have NEVER been in the same building, not in the 60 years our company has been in existence. For the most part, the people in my office share a couple of snarky comments and just delete the emails. But man, it was SO bad at the end of last year when everyone kept sending All Staff emails about how they all loooooooove their newly built building and new offices... while we were turned down yet again for money to replace the half-torn-up carpets and exposed electrical wiring in our building!

  • I had to battle my IT rep about a potentually harmful email with attachment. It got through our filters, which doesn't hsppen often. It really bothered me because it came from an email address with my personal first and last name @ some weird provider. Essentially like So I take the time to tell IT somethings funky and they should take a look into it (we're supposed to report suspicious emails and the rep goes 'So what happens when you download it?'.....
    me: Huh? I'm not going to download's probably a virus or something.
    IT: Well, I can't tell you what it is without you downloading it.
    me: So you WANT me to DL this attachment from a suspicious unknown source?
    IT: Yes, if you want to know what it does.
    me: Nevermind. I'll just delete it.

    What!? You want me to DL it so you can see what it does? No way, Jose.
  • Holy hell. I'm so tired of mobile Knot not letting me edit my spelling trainwreck of a post.
  • One of the board members of one of my jobs is stepping in/more active while the executive director is on extended administrative leave.  He wanted to access the ED's email to see in anything needed attention. First he opened outlook and then told me that the ED isn't receiving email.  I came into the office and said, "Oh, that's because the work email goes through the office gmail account."  Then he pauses and says, "How do I get into that."  So, I opened a browser for him and typed in and the ED's info.  This man is emailing all day long, how can he not know how to access a gmail account?

  • That gave me a good (and much-needed) laugh. Thanks ladies!

    The thing is, neither sister-boss nor big boss are "stupid" or "technically challenged". Big boss actually has a degree in computer science. I guess they were both just tired or something. It's pretty funny now, but wasn't so funny last night.

    imageDaisypath Friendship tickers
  • I just learned yesterday that one of my co-workers was once on the phone with a customer, and the customer had to put him on hold for a bit. He decided to take that time to go out for a smoke break (with his headset still on). Once out there, he realized that he didn't have his badge to get back into the building, and it was a holiday, so almost no one was in, and he didn't have a cell phone on him.

    It was almost an hour before he got back into the building. I died laughing.

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