Hello ladies,
I'm on a pretty tight budget and I want to see if I can do my own centerpieces. I want to do the tall vase with flowers submerged in the water with a floating candle on top.
Here are some examples of ideas that I like:
http://www.weddingwire.com/wedding-photos/i/centerpiece-modern-style-summer-centerpieces-pink/i/e638e34e747551f6-8d20eddb9810113f/3bdb7696359535de?tags=centerpieces&page=8&cat=reception&type=search#.UAFfua49aP0.pinteresthttp://www.5thavenueflowersandevents.com/wp-content/gallery/featured/beach9.jpghttp://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Calla+Lily+Centerpiece&view=detail&id=42AFDA4BF4D598F85230BC7DD1C314DE803DB1DA&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR#aWould you know if any reasonable priced places in Oakland/Macomb county to buy these vases? Has anyone been to the Discount Craft and Floral store in Centerline to know if they have them for a pretty low price??
Thank you in advance!!