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Budget Saving Help

tricia1086tricia1086 member
Knottie Warrior Combo Breaker
edited February 2014 in Chit Chat

Re: Budget Saving Help

  • manateehuggermanateehugger member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Third Anniversary 5 Answers
    edited February 2014
    Ummm I think you're doing this backward.You need to figure out your take home pay after bills, and THEN see how much you can put aside each month for the wedding. How much you can put aside for the next 22 months is your budget. 

    We can't make your budget for you because we don't know your expenses (housing, food, car, phones, bills, etc.). 
  • Figure out what money you have left after all your bills and then decide from that how much to put away. You can't decide to save x amount a month if you don't know what you spend on necessities like rent, food, bills, etc.
    image Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited February 2014
    You need to set aside $681.81 every month to have the $15,000 yo have budgeted. With interest on a savings account, you could probably get by with setting aside a mere $675/ month. So the real question is can you pay your other monthly expenses with $2445/month? If not, start adjusting your wedding budget.

    Pack your lunch, eat your meals at home, clip coupons, cut entertainment and clothing budgets - I would save everything you can, but life always gets in the way and you should also be saving for car repairs or other unexpected expenses. 

    Don't go in debt for a wedding, it's not an investment, no matter what a vendor tries to tell you. A marriage is an investment and you can have one of those for a lot less than $15K

    GL! :)
    tricia1086 sort of said something to the effect of….:

    Hey brides who are good with budgeting…blah blah blah. I take home $980/biweekly pay check. After child support and $400 car payment FI takes home approx $580/ biweekly. how much dow e need to put away each month for our Dec 2015 wedding with a $15K budget??

    ETA for paraphrasing :)
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • Well how much do you normally have left over every month? If it's none, then what can you cut down on?

    PP is right, this is backward. I use Mint to make our monthly budget (it's a website) and it's super useful for tracking spending on various items. Try it (or something similar) out for a few months and then you can see how much you can save. Then, multiply that by the number of your months till your wedding and you have your budget! It might be $15,000; it might not.
  • What the heck with the DD?
  • where did it goooooooooooo?
    11 mins
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • Why would you delete this? From the responses received, this doesn't seem like a controversial topic. You were offered good advice, and should have left your initial ask up so that others can benefit from it.

  • what is with all the deleting? Jeez....
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