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I can't tell if Buzzfeed is trolling

with this new wedding photography article, "42 Impossibly Fun Wedding Photo Ideas You'll Want to Steal."

Some of the ideas are so patently ridiculous I think the whole article is sarcastic:


But then a few are really sweet:


Does this person really think getting a boob grab shot is just as "impossibly fun" as a three-generational ring photo?

Meanwhile, I think this is hilarious:
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"I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

Re: I can't tell if Buzzfeed is trolling

  • I dont want a single photo from that list! The boob one is so WEIRD!

    image   image   image

  • edited February 2014
    I am just laughing at the idea of someone coming into my house and the first picture that they see is of my bridesmaids and myself holding each other's boobs.

    ETA:  I would do #11, just so I could write down all of the "knock knock" jokes that I know.. he would never see it coming! (Background- I try to find the worst jokes to tell FI.  He just smiles, shakes his head, and walks away.)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I am just laughing at the idea of someone coming into my house and the first picture that they see is of my bridesmaids and myself holding each other's boobs.
    Or of your bridesmaids all in bed with their heads poking up.... like what, you had a slumber party the night before and you all slept together?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I am just laughing at the idea of someone coming into my house and the first picture that they see is of my bridesmaids and myself holding each other's boobs.
    Or of your bridesmaids all in bed with their heads poking up.... like what, you had a slumber party the night before and you all slept together?
    Uhm. Duh.

    We braided each other's hair 'n shit.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • I am just laughing at the idea of someone coming into my house and the first picture that they see is of my bridesmaids and myself holding each other's boobs.

    Or of your bridesmaids all in bed with their heads poking up.... like what, you had a slumber party the night before and you all slept together?

    Uhm. Duh.

    We braided each other's hair 'n shit.

    Hello, pillow fights in our undies and matching bride/bridesmaids tanks! Totes doing that with my bridesmaids.

    Some of those pics were nice. I like the candid laughing pics, and the pics of the groomsmen being silly. Also the first look with the dad and bride. Others were just ridonkulous. What's with the creepy tiny bride?


  • OMG!  Does this mean I can require my BMs to buy matching nightie sets?  Photo op!

    And the tiny bride IS totally creepy... ick.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • @pinkcow13

    TINY BRIDE IS SO CREEPY!  Who thinks that's a nice picture?!
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  • @pinkcow13

    TINY BRIDE IS SO CREEPY!  Who thinks that's a nice picture?!
    Seriously!! What are you even supposed to do with that pic, hang it up on your mantle or something? Eeek!


  • I don't know what yall are talking about, my friends and I always say hello by coping a feel.
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  • I think 26 would have a lot of potential.
  • Unpop Op: I totally sleep in the same bed as my BFF when she and I have a sleep over....and I think the one of the BM's taking pix of the bride is funny and kind of ironic....not a "serious" picture. 
  • I think a lot of them are cool, but I think they are cool because I haven't seen them before. I would rather come up with my own stuff for the most part, instead of use those ideas.
  • FI and I saw this the other day. He was like "um, do people do this?". The boob grabbing is just too odd....
  • image

    I feel like this is WAY more work than it's worth.  I mean, what group casually sets themselves up like this?

    If I had to participate in this, I would be annoyed.
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  • Someone posted this link on FB too so I was looking at it and just kept thinking "awful, terrible, stupid, even more awful" I also couldn't tell if it was a joke or just a 19 year old that compiled it and really did think they are great pics.

    And that heart one @hikebikebemerry they said draw it in chalk so your guests easily know where to clearly they didn't do that since the sides are totally uneven lol



  • Gah. This showed up in my FB news feed too and everything thought all the pictures were just adorable!! 
    Why would I want a picture of my BMs coping a feel? And the mirror pic is just so cheesy! 
  • I hadn't seen this one yet a lot of those are really ridiculous. Definitely gave me a good laugh at the amount of cheese and creep.

    I do like the three generations and I am doing a first look with my dad. So we are getting pictures of that and I cannot wait. I am going to have to fight crying like a baby. It's a huge moment for us as he is slowly losing his sight.
  • Most of those pictures are awful.. wow I hope they are being sarcastic.


  • I thought the one with the bride and flower-girl was cute... but only if you know her. If she's from FI's side of the family, and you've never met, it's a little weird.
  • Most of those pictures are awful.. wow I hope they are being sarcastic.

    Exactly! The one with the dad is so sweet. It's throwing me off from just calling the whole thing sarcastic.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • My photographer asked if we wanted to allow time for "getting ready pictures" because she gets requests for that A LOT.. FI and I were like umm so we want to pay her for an hour to watch the guys f*ck around and the girls to get dressed? I didn't buy us all matching robes *gasp* so I think we will pass..

    Though the mirror pictures might make me feel like I'm a 15 year old taking "selfies" so that could have potential...
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I do like the three-generations ring shot.i would have staged it differently, rather than the hands just sticking out randomly, but it's still sweet.

    The rest....not a fan.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • I really like the "three generations of brides" one, but that's about it.

    My co-worker showed this article to me all excited "OMG YOU'LL LOVE THIS!" and I had to feign excitement even though internally I was like "oh god no."
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