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Nosey Much?

My boss just handed me this packet to fill out that asks for detailed answers to personal, family, relationships, and professional goals, including what's obstructing me from acheiving those goals and what resources I possess to make them happen. Professional I can understand, but how are the other 3 categories in any way the company's business? This packet is required for my employee file when the accreditation committee comes by. I work for a preschool, so as long as I'm not a child molester or murderer, stay out of my personal business, ok?

I'm really tempted to put this under family: Goals; for relations with my husband to result in the begetting of offspring. Obstructions: finances because you don't pay me a living wage, my lack of ability to ovulate, my lack of estrogen and excess of testosterone, and my husband's lack of sex drive. Suggestions? Resources: a peen (my husband) and a working (to my knowledge) vagina.

They asked for details!

Re: Nosey Much?

  • That doesn't sound legal....
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
  • Yeah, is that even legal?
  • I dunno. I'm not filling out the things that are personal, my family and personal goals are none of their business, and have no bearing on my work at all. If it becomes an issue, hello media outlets!
  • Yeah, I would skip the personal questions. Why the hell would he think that was ok?
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • This is company wide. Not just my center.
  • Yeah.. I would totally question the legality of that.... 
  • My boss just handed me this packet to fill out that asks for detailed answers to personal, family, relationships, and professional goals, including what's obstructing me from acheiving those goals and what resources I possess to make them happen. Professional I can understand, but how are the other 3 categories in any way the company's business? This packet is required for my employee file when the accreditation committee comes by. I work for a preschool, so as long as I'm not a child molester or murderer, stay out of my personal business, ok? I'm really tempted to put this under family: Goals; for relations with my husband to result in the begetting of offspring. Obstructions: finances because you don't pay me a living wage, my lack of ability to ovulate, my lack of estrogen and excess of testosterone, and my husband's lack of sex drive. Suggestions? Resources: a peen (my husband) and a working (to my knowledge) vagina. They asked for details!
    This is illegal.  You might want to advise your boss of this.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • The only time it is acceptable to answer questions regarding family and personal relationships is if you were trying to get a security clearance.  I would take that packet back to your boss and tell him that you are not comfortable filling it out.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yeah, I would answer the stuff I feel comfortable about, and skip the rest. 
  • I would answer the professional stuff and not the personal stuff.
  • I work in higher ed and accreditation documents never ask for personal info. Even state regulators won't ask. The most they ask for is resumes/CVs. 

    Not sure how the accreditors differ from early ed to higher ed, but this sounds all sorts of illegal. 

  • I work in higher ed and accreditation documents never ask for personal info. Even state regulators won't ask. The most they ask for is resumes/CVs. 

    Not sure how the accreditors differ from early ed to higher ed, but this sounds all sorts of illegal. 
    A very good friend of my has worked in daycare/preschool for well over 10 years.  I've seen her go through a ton of licensing/accreditation visits and she has never mentioned having to turn something like that in.  I've worked with children and adolescents for years on the mental health/child welfare side of things and all any licensing or accrediting body ever needed from me was my diploma, my resume, my application for employment, and my background checks.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • It's only illegal if they ask you before they hire you or if they require you to answer. It is (in most states) not illegal for them to ask personal information if you are already employed, but they cannot require you to share. If they are trying to require these answers of you, I would definitely bring up the legal questions. As it is, they are probably trying to get people to willingly answer these questions (albeit in a manipulative way), but if you resist I should think that they wouldn't push it. 

    That is very frustrating. I am a firm believer in the separation of personal and professional lives. I wouldn't answer and if they try to make you I would definitely talk to a lawyer/media/whatever. 
  • It sounds like they had good intentions with it, but it's stupid. I can't imagine them making an issue out of it if you choose not to answer. I like the goat cheese idea.
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