My boss just handed me this packet to fill out that asks for detailed answers to personal, family, relationships, and professional goals, including what's obstructing me from acheiving those goals and what resources I possess to make them happen. Professional I can understand, but how are the other 3 categories in any way the company's business? This packet is required for my employee file when the accreditation committee comes by. I work for a preschool, so as long as I'm not a child molester or murderer, stay out of my personal business, ok?
I'm really tempted to put this under family: Goals; for relations with my husband to result in the begetting of offspring. Obstructions: finances because you don't pay me a living wage, my lack of ability to ovulate, my lack of estrogen and excess of testosterone, and my husband's lack of sex drive. Suggestions? Resources: a peen (my husband) and a working (to my knowledge) vagina.
They asked for details!