I wasn't going to do Menu Cards as the venue wanted $3.00 a piece for them (custom of course) and I wasn't really thrilled with having to pay that type of money when I could probably DIY. FI and I had originally just said doing 2 larger (5x8) menu cards in frames on each table. While I was out last night, shopping for WR items at Michael's, I found card stock that was the size/shape of the menu cards that we saw at our tasting. They came in a pack of 50 and in a cream color. PERFECT! I purchased 2 packs (5.99/each) and also found cream card stock in 8x11 size for my programs. AWESOME! Bought 3 packs for $10! Not bad if I do say so myself. I also found a heart shaped hole punch so I can punch holes for the programs (so the inserts stay together) and a pretty curly shape cut out scissor (I might use it for the edges of the program but I'm not sure).
So, on my agenda for this evening is printing my menu cards and programs so I can possibly assemble them tonight while watching SOA (I'm hooked!).
2 BIG checks off my list!!!! Whoop!