My FMIL was planning the rehearsal dinner. She suddenly can't afford it. We know her situation so we understand. We would like to host it ourselves but we aren't made of money either! My fiancé's sister wants to host it at their house and have a local BBQ place cater. That would be fine if there weren't at least 30 people coming. Their house is 1,400 sqtf and their table seats 6. On top of that, it is a 45 min drive from the church to their house but an hour back to my parent's and grandparent's hotel. Is it considered rude to have people pay for their own meal at the rehearsal dinner? I already know about the controlled menu because I was planning it myself before I was told his mom didn't want me involved in that part of the planning. I'm just under 3 weeks out and don't have a clue what to do!
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