Chit Chat

Eclair if you dare

The other day DH and I went to Whole Foods.  They had eclairs that looked amazing.  I haven't had an eclair since I was little and we used to get the Entemann's (I think) ones from the store.  Obviously I had to get one.  When I went to eat it the next day, I took a big bite and the custardy middle was completely spoiled.  I nearly vomited, it was awful.

Somehow, after that experience, I am still craving a really good eclair.  I can't find them anywhere!  Anyone have a recommendation for a chain store (available in NY) that has them?

In the alternative, I was thinking of making a batch of them.  Does anyone have a good recipe that has worked?


Re: Eclair if you dare

  • I recommend a march to any highly recommended local bakery to test out a decent eclair. Store bought ones are nothing compared to a bakery fresh eclair. They are so delicious!
  • You actually waited a full day to eat it?!  You obviously don't have the compulsive dessert eating tendencies that I have.  If that was my eclair, it would have been half gone on the way out the door and into the car!

    No recommendations on where to buy but if you want an easy eclair cake recipe that uses instant vanilla pudding I can dig that up.  It tastes pretty good considering how easy as it is to make.

  • I made these salted caramel cream puffs for Valentine's Day. If you pipe the dough into a line instead of a circle, you'll get eclairs. Just be careful. They're deadly tasty.
  • Confession: I have never had an eclair. Might be time to try one.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Ahhh! Which Whole Foods store? That is not good. I work with Whole Foods very closely. 
  • KatWAG said:
    Confession: I have never had an eclair. Might be time to try one.
    Whaaaaa? Do it. Do iiiiiiiiiiiit!

  • Ahhh! Which Whole Foods store? That is not good. I work with Whole Foods very closely. 
    On the island. . . . I hate to say it, but the only other time DH went there it was with his mom, who bought something from the bakery and that was spoiled as well.
  • kaos16 said:
    Ahhh! Which Whole Foods store? That is not good. I work with Whole Foods very closely. 
    On the island. . . . I hate to say it, but the only other time DH went there it was with his mom, who bought something from the bakery and that was spoiled as well.
    UGH! I hate to hear this. My company sells items to the bakery (NOT eclairs) and I am cringing at the idea that they are mishandling their product. Because 100% that's what happened. They either made it there and kept in the case too long or got it in from a vendor and mishandled it. 
    Please call the store and ask to speak to the bakery team leader. They need to know they're selling bad food! 
  • Definitely go to a real mom-and-pop kind of bakery and get a real one! 
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