11 Charcoal gray satin overlays
32 wine glasses
100 plum satin sashes
100 plum satin napkins
8 grape garland rings
6 garland pieces (4 feet)
9 center piece flower arrangements
5 boxes of small diamond gems
1 large box of large diamond gems
12 round center piece mirrors
42 plastic grapes clusters
1 wooden wine box
4 clear bottom cut wine bottles w/4 flameless candles
1 large bottom cut wine bottles w/the word CARDS on it
table numbers made out of corks #'s 1 through 11
MR AND MRS made out of corks for wedding table
1 ivory ring pillow (new never opened)
1 ivory flower basket for flower girl (new never opened)
24 poured glass votive candles (new)
36 poured glass votive candles ( used)