Well, it's really not a party but more of a night out - dinner and drinks. My sister showed me all my goodies that I get to wear - a Sash and a tiera that has little penis's on it. Ohhh boy. She also got Penis straws for us to use. This will be FUN. I just hope I don't drink too much. I want to be somewhat coherent when friends come over on Saturday morning.
Vent: FSIL has accepted and then declined numerous invites to WR things all because FMIL is working or isn't invited. I invited FSIL to go to lunch with me on the Thursday before the wedding to just relax and bond. She declined because FMIL has to work. She was invited to the bachelorette party and she accepted. But then last night, because FMIL wasn't invited, she backed out. She said that she wanted FMIL to be there with her. My sister explained to her, numerous times, both over the phone, through email and through text that FMIL and My mom were not invited because it was to be a 'girls night out'. From what my sister said is that she was OK with FMIL not being invited. Now all of a sudden she doesn't want to come. I also invited FSIL to go with me and the rest of the girls, to go get our nails done the day before the wedding. I extended the invite to FMIL as well but since FMIL can't go (she has to work), FSIL said that she can't make it. Every time I invite FSIL out, FMIL has to be involved or she doesn't want to go. I asked FI what the deal was with this and he said that they've been attached at the hip since forever. I told him that it just doesn't seem healthy. I don't spend THAT much time with my mom that I want her involved in everything. I love my mom to bits and enjoy spending time with her...but every day? Every invite out? Why?!