My last big "need help!" post was about my how to get my boss to respect my relationship. You all gave great advice to stop talking my personal life with her. Today my dilemma isn't about that (although she told me yesterday that a client came in who majored in the same thing I did in college and that she TOTALLY thought about hooking him up with me....), but about invites. A few different issues regarding invites.
I've posted before about receiving her STD and being perturbed that she didn't include my SO on it. Fair enough, we'd just gotten back together after a few-week break and we don't formally live together yet, so that's understandable. Well, she told me a few weeks ago that she sent "EVERYONE" a STD, and now she has to figure out who she actually wants to invite. How awesome.
Since then, she has been very vocal about inviting SOs: she is not allowing anyone to bring their SO because "I can't invite some of my own friends because we don't have space at the venue, so why would I let someone bring their bf/gf?" This came up when her cousin got PISSED that his gf wasn't invited. She doesn't care, she gives no fucks. She's said "I'm not even giving my mom a date. She can dance with all her cousins."
Today, I received an invite to her shower. No wedding invite (yet?). As of yesterday, she said still hasn't narrowed down her wedding invite list. I just don't know how to handle any of this. I've said before that we do get along really well (we're the same age) and she's been there for me when I really needed it. But I just can't agree with or condone any of this. I have no excuse for not going to her shower other than I don't think it's right that I attend a wedding party for her without even knowing if I'm invited to the wedding, let alone knowing that if I AM invited, I'll be invited alone. The thing is, she's my BOSS. I can't just tell her all of that without royally pissing her off and facing professional repercussions. WWYD?