Chit Chat

Monday morning work vent

loro929loro929 member
250 Love Its 500 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper
edited March 2014 in Chit Chat
A new hire was starting today and could not connect to the internet. I called the IT guy. He came and got flustered because I plugged in my laptop (WIFI here comes and goes sometimes and I need to work with a stable connection) and my tower. I might add that there are 3 plugs for internet so currently there is still one empty, so there is space for my 2 devices and the device of the new hire. The IT guy came and yelled at me because the internet cable of that vacant computer was unplugged (I mean he has hands and eyes he could have just plugged it in, story over... but well.. logic escapes people sometimes, I suppose.). I explained to him that the cleaning lady, when sweeping, tends to unplug the internet cables in the morning and it is common that they need to be plugged in. I said, since there is currently no one sitting there it was not being monitored. He told me I was disrespecting the work of others and how did I expect this new hire to connect. I said, there is still an open plug, we just need to put the plug in the hole. He stormed out and told me he didn't want to speak to me more than necessary. This happened 2 hours ago now, and it is still bothering me. I don't consider myself a disrespectful person at all, in fact the opposite. Currently, I have been alone in the office, which is why I used 2/3 plugs. I would not have had a problem disconnecting anything if asked. 
I am sure he is stressed and was just taking it out on me. But still, some people need to take a chillpill. I left the house this morning with a smile under the sunshine to start the week well and this has certainly clouded up my mood.
okay /rantover
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Re: Monday morning work vent

  • Booh. II'm sorry he was being an asshat and put a damper on your day!
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • JMalettasJMalettas member
    500 Comments 100 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited March 2014
     That's a crappy start! Just remember, some people are happy being unhappy. Don't let the guy, (who clearly wanted you to join his bad day parade), win. If anything, I'd feel bad that he feels the need to extend his crappy attitude towards other people. I'd just go ahead, continue being awesome, and let him have his tantrum. 

     Happy Monday!

  • Ugh, what a douche. I think your next new hire should be a nicer network/desktop administrator.

  • loro929loro929 member
    250 Love Its 500 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited March 2014
    Thanks for the support ladies. I usually try not to let things like this get to me, but it was so unnecessary and gratuitous that it just did, plus its a sensitive time of the month which didn't help at all. 

    Happy Monday to you all :)

    **Update** Put on my headphones, made a kick*** playlist and feeling better. Amazing how much music can lift your spirits!  (currently listening to EagleEyeCherry - Save Tonight... 90's forever! :-P) 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I hope the new hire who you will be sharing the space with is much nicer!

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