We have 11 days and I still have a crap ton to do:- Pick up my shoes
- Purchase a 2nd ring bearer pillow for my FI's nephew (I don't even think he'll carry it so I think it'll be a lost cause, but we I need to get him one)
- Purchase a Flower Girl Basket and bring it to the florist to put flowers in (she can't drop any petals so she'll have daisies in her basket).
- Final dress Fitting(s). I just hope the dress is done when I want it to be done so it can be brought "HOME" after Rehearsal
- Pick up a "throw away" garter as my mom is making my main one.
- Figure out day of jewelry - Pearl earrings from my uncle, yellow topaz & diamond accent ring from Mexico from my FI and a necklace?? I don't have any good necklaces (Boo) or bracelets (double boo)
- Finish escort cards/favors.
- Give final head count TOMORROW!!!! and make final payment on Friday.
- Pay balance of DJ
- Buy cute undies for day of. (probably won't even be noticed! but oh well I'll try!).
- I'm trying to decide if I'm going to wear stockings or get thigh highs. Oye. White or nude?
- Drop off favors and other stuff to venue
- Figure out day before and day of timeline.
FREAK THE HECK OUT!!! Well, not really. What is so surreal is we received our first "Wedding Present" in the mail yesterday. My great Aunt and Uncle from Ohio sent us a card with $$ in it. FI was excited and opened it before I got home because "It was addressed to the both of us." So, that's $$ to the bank in a couple weeks. YIPPPIE!!!