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For dog lovers

I know there are several dog lovers on the knot so I thought I'd share an interesting article about pit bulls that my friend emailed me.

Re: For dog lovers

  • very interesting, and very true article. So many problems would be solved with training!
  • Interesting article. Thank you.
  • Thank you for posting this. As a mommy of a pitbull, and someone who was raised with them since birth, I am always glad when people show them in a positive light. While some of the stigma has gone away, you still find people who are just plain ignorant.

    Are there agressive pitbulls out there? Of course, but being not properly trained,and sadly in a lot of cases abused, can cause any breed to be agressive.
  • Thank you for sharing! I'm the mom to a Jack Russell Terrier. I am constantly shocked at how many people are not at all cautious of her, likely because of her small size (12 lbs). I've had many adults and children come barging up to her, trying to pet and get close. She does not like strangers and knowing this, I have to drag her away. I've had people get mad at me because I won't let them/their children pet her. Strangers tend to assume she's lovey dovey because of her size. Education about dogs in general, and their (potential) behavior can go a long way for both large and small breeds.
  • @AshleyNicole1218 have you tried attaching a yellow ribbon to her leash?  At least other dog owners should note that as a sign of a dog that does not like strangers.

    As the owner of a pit mix all I can say is my miniature schnauzer is more aggressive.  My Moose would never hurt anyone who wasn't trying to hurt me.  In fact, he has been known to hide behind Chauncey when approached by new people and other dogs.  Which is hilarious due to the height disparity.  He's also currently cuddling with my husband in the recliner.  Thank you for sharing the link!
  • @thefuturemrsrohlman22 - Unfortunately it's not dog owners that are the problem for's the adults and families that think they can go and pet any dog without asking permission. Sadly, I've heard many parents encourage their children to go ahead and dogs without speaking to the owner first. Thank you for the reminder fellow dog owners will recognize the yello ribbon!
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