
NWR: Need help with apartment recs

I tried posting this on The Nest, but got very little response.

Fi and I might be moving to Milwaukee after we get married if he gets this sweet job he is going to interview for, but what are some good, relatively affordable housing options (we're not entirely sure what the salary for his job will be, but I'd imagine we want to keep it in the $500-$800/month range). We think we'd like to be in the city, maybe downtown-ish while we are young and then maybe go out to the suburbs when we decide to start a family.

So what do you all think? What places are good and which should we avoid?

Re: NWR: Need help with apartment recs

  • Victoria2013Victoria2013 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm not familiar with the area but have you tried rent.com?  Its AMAZING for finding apartments within your price range and area you would like to live in.
  • Pod0512Pod0512 member
    edited December 2011
    I don't know much about Milwaukee, but I've always had good luck with Craigslist (you have to stift through a lot of crap, and do some resarch) but you can find some really nice apartments there.

    I know there's lots of girls here from M'waukee that can probably help with the area.
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  • gundy21gundy21 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Might be tricky to find a good place (2 bed, parking, in unit laundry) at that price point if you are looking at apartments.  Duplexes might fit in your budget - Bay View and Washington Heights are great neighborhoods in the city of Milwaukee.  West Allis is affordable.  Wauwatosa is a great burb, too.  Downtown will likely be much higher rent.
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  • HPollenHPollen member
    edited December 2011

    Living on the Eastside is nice, its close to downtown and has a lot of cool places to eat.  For the price range you are looking for you could do a 1 bedroom, possibly a 2 bedroom, just depends on where.  If you have pets its a little more tricky.  I want to say that it is Eastmore reality or Eastmore company that has nice apartments around the Eastside where everything is included, but I don't think they have in-unit laundry.  Not sure exactly what you are looking for though.  Wauwatosa & Bayview are nice too.  I have looked for apartments at rent.com, apartmentsontheweb.com and other sites like that.  They show a lot of good places overall. 

    I hope your FI's interview goes well, let us know if you have any more questions!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    If you are looking for something close to downtown area. I would look on the Eastside or Bayview Area. These communites are just minutes away from downtown, The downtown area can be pretty expensive for a home. You can also check our local newspaper for classifieds- jsonline.com. There are a few rental management companies that I know of Ogdenre.com, mpiwi.com, www.bieck>management.com,www.shorelinerealestate.com/  or www.metapts.com/.
    I hope this helps and Good Luck
  • edited December 2011
    try eastmore.com they have lots of good apartments in the areas surrounding downtown. like the other ladies said, it will be hard to find something IN downtown mke in your price range (one place i rented was a nice 1 bdr, pet friendly building including heat, but with off street parking  that was an extra $15/month in shorewood for $610, just to give you an example). I loved living on the eastside, but you should know that if you have not lived in an area surrounding a somewhat larger city, EVERYTHING cost extra... even off street parking with usually cost you some cash (not to worry you, just a heads up!)

    good luck to you and your FI!
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  • jberg134jberg134 member
    edited December 2011
    What exactly are you looking for?  How many beds, baths?  What amenities?  Pets?  I'm in the midst of an apartment search right now in the MKE area.
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  • edited December 2011
    I can almost guarantee you won't find anything downtown that will be of comfortable living space for 2 people for the price you are wanting to stay in.  FI and I are looking to move downtown/East side/Bay View in August.  Most prices for a 2 BR that is of decent square footage in downtown is over $1000.  You'll have better luck looking for something in Bay View, East Side, Wauwatosa.  Try Craigslist, there are always tons of postings.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with the other ladies - I lived downtown for 7 years, and it will be very difficult if not impossible to find a place for so little rent that isn't in a bad area or a total dump.  Not to mention you do have to pay extra for parking, and many places downtown only offer 1 parking space (anywhere from $50-100 extra per month).  If you aren't able to spring a little extra for rent, then I would also recommend some of the areas surrounding downtown (Bay View, East Side, Wauwatosa).

    I did A LOT of searching, and the only place I was able to find downtown that was cheap & not a total dump was Juneau Village Gardens - nice, but don't expect brand new or luxury.  I lived here for a year, nice and close to a lot of things.

    Also beware that a lot of places that may list a great range of rent (say, $750 to $2000) per month may be able to offer lower rents to low income people.  (Don't remember exactly, but I think they got some sort of tax credit or something if they offered to rent some of their units to people with jobs but don't make much above the poverty line).  I know I got excited to see low rents posted for some nice places downtown, only to find out that I did not qualify for it.

    Happy hunting!
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