So ladies, I'm way late on the whole booze thing, but we're still trying to decide what to have at the bar. We're just doing beer & wine. I was thinking of having 1 red wine option, 1 white wine option and then 2-3 beer options. We're doing an additional special wine during dinner only (coordinator will ask each table if they would like a glass and distribute as appropriate).
My fiance has picked out a beer he really enjoys that's not like your normal Bud or Miller or whatever, but I know at his brother's wedding this summer, alot of the people at the wedding went with a beer that they recognized. So question:
1. Should we have a Lite beer AND a regular beer option besides the Groom's pick? Or just a Lite option?
2. Suggestions for wines on a BBQ buffet dinner! (I've picked the red wine to go with dinner, so that's kind of the Bride's choice) I'm kind of thinking Hot to Trot the Red Blend...also a fav of mine.