Both my father and my stepfather have been significant parts of my life, and I love them both so much that I want to incorporate them into the ceremony and reception as best as I can.
I had planned on having my stepfather walk me into the ceremony and hand me off to my father half way down the aisle. But how do I do this without it looking clumsy? Does my stepfather continue to follow behind me, or does he sit in the center row of seats? Does he stand there and wait until I make it to the altar, then take his seat at the front? Where does my dad sit if my stepdad will be sitting next to my mother? There's absolutely no animosity between my two dads, but I don't want things to feel awkward.
Also, what's the deal with the father/daughter dance? I originally wanted to give that exclusively to my dad, but now I'm wondering if I could have my stepfather cut in about halfway through as well. Am I making things more complicated than they need to be?!
I'd really appreciate your opinions on this.