I asked my FMIL to bring a small picture of her and her husband and FI's grandparents (wedding pictures preferred) to display at our wedding. Today I get a text with pictures of pictures she just took on her phone....really?! grrr
At lunch I work on the seating chart, I think I'm on a roll and send the FI what I was working on. First he says cool that he's okay with it. Then says can we combine people to have less tables. We have 58 people to seat total and we'll be at our sweetheart table. The venue suggested around 6 to 7 per table even though they can accommodate 8-10 just to make the room look fuller. So I did that, 4 tables of 7 and 5 of 6. I asked if he wanted less tables then the room would look a little more empty and I get "I dunno lol" and "That's fine I think." Good thing he's not here or I would have strangled him. I know it's not a big deal but I was on a roll!!!