@JCBride2014, you're a law student -- care to weigh in on this?
Apparently, a court in New Jersey ruled that expectant mothers can bar the fathers from the delivery room -- the court cited a woman's right to privacy. Now, the case in question involved estranged parents-to-be (the article calls the dad the mom's 'estranged fiance.' Call me crazypants, but if you're barring him from the delivery room at your mutual child's birth, the 'fiance' part of that is probably moot. You're just 'estranged.') so I don't know how it would apply to married couples.
While I agree on principle with the idea that a woman has the right to privacy (and I certainly think that extends to excluding people from the delivery room), I wonder about other aspects of this -- not least of which allowing the father access to the child regardless of his relationship with the mother, and the decision on naming the child. Who gets to decide which surname it bears?
I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'