Chit Chat

NWR We won!!!!

After months of paperwork and jumping through one hoop after another I just got home from court and FI got full custody!!!! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted! I was surprised by how smoothly things went; FI's ex didn't show so the judge made his decision in less than 5 minutes! Now I can spend my day celebrating with a bottle of champagne while I do homework :)

Re: NWR We won!!!!

  • Yay! Congrats. And WOW! His mom didn't even show up to the custody hearing? That's ridic. You are definitely a better mother than she ever was!
  • @HisGirlFriday13 I was so excited I totally forgot I can use this against the team mom if she says anything! 
  • Congrats!!!!

    Has the team mom finally accepted that you are the parent/ point of contact for DS?

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm solidly in the area of 'who lit the fuse on YOUR tampon??' today I am so irate. 

    So, yeah, I immediately thought, 'Take that, Bitchy Team Mom. IN YOUR FACE.'

    (If it weren't 20 effing degrees outside, I would go for a walk at lunch to calm down).

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • KatWAG said:


    Has the team mom finally accepted that you are the parent/ point of contact for DS?

    I think she has, kind of. FI got a team email yesterday and I still wasn't on the distro list, but he didn't reply so she forwarded it to me this morning. Hopefully seeing that I replied almost instantly will clue her in on why it's important to send me shit. 
  • @phira, I do use that phrase in everyday life. I will warn DH, 'I am in 'lit-fuse-on-tampon' territory right now, so I need some space.'

    It's a fabulously useful phrase!

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • @phira I love the Chandler happy dance gif! 
  • Congrats!!! I imagine that is a huge relief for you guys.
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