I had always thought I would change my name when I get married... when we got engaged I had a little hesitation about it (though I was never totally against it) but FI told me it was really important to him so I decided for sure I would be changing it.
I'm a physician about to finish residency. So for almost 4 years, I've been introducing myself as "Dr. Mylastname" and I'm really used to that. My new practice that I will be joining this summer after the wedding has asked me to put together a little bio that they can put on the practice website... I typed up a draft using "Dr. FIlastname" and it just looked really weird, and made me second guess everything. Like, it felt wrong.
FI's last name is a nice name, it's not like it's weird or long or difficult to pronounce or anything, but it's not mine. On the other hand, I've always thought that when we have kids I'd want to have everyone (me, FI, kids) to have the same last name. I know, I could always keep my last name legally and use it professionally but go by his last name socially, but I think that just gets confusing.
I feel like most people have strong opinions one way or the other on what to do here.... anyone else on the fence?